[Gate-users] ASCII Singles file is empty when I use opticaladder digitizer

open researcher openresearcher90 at gmail.com
Fri Nov 30 11:52:56 CET 2012

Hello everybody!
my simulations contains detection of optical photons.
when I use /gate/digitizer/Singles/insert opticaladder, my ascii Singles
file is empty. But when I comment the command, ascii single file has the
recordings (is that mean optical photons are not generated ?).
I have set export GATE_USE_OPTICAL = 1 on. (When I source the env_gate.sh I
even get the message 'Transport and generation of optical photons is
My materials.xml has properties of LSO and NaI, I tried with both crystals
but didn't work out.
Any help ?
thanks in advance

LSO has - ------------------------------------------
<?xml version="1.0"?>
 <material name="LSO">
     <property name="SCINTILLATIONYIELD" value="26000" unit="1/MeV"/>
     <propertyvector name="ABSLENGTH" unit="mm" energyunit="eV">
       <ve energy="6.49" value="0.231"/>
       <ve energy="6.36" value="0.232"/>
       <ve energy="6.23" value="0.321"/>
       <ve energy="6.11" value="0.423"/>
       <ve energy="5.99" energyunit="eV" value="0.483" unit="cm"/>
NaI has
<material name="NaI">
      <property name="SCINTILLATIONYIELD" value="52000" unit="1/MeV"/>
      <property name="RESOLUTIONSCALE" value="4.41"/>
      <property name="FASTTIMECONSTANT" value="620" unit="ns"/>
      <property name="YIELDRATIO" value="1"/>
      <propertyvector name="FASTCOMPONENT" energyunit="eV">
<ve energy="2.95167" value="1"/>
      <propertyvector name="ABSLENGTH" unit="m" energyunit="eV">
<ve energy="4.08" value="50"/>
<ve energy="1.84" value="50"/>
      <propertyvector name="RINDEX" energyunit="eV">
<ve energy="4.08" value="1.85"/>
<ve energy="1.84" value="1.85"/>
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