[Gate-users] Coincidence, ASCII output... where did they go?

山中 琢 takuyama at med.hokudai.ac.jp
Mon Nov 19 09:11:34 CET 2012

Thanks all for replying my fuss. I should have checked more thoroughly
about the release notes and stuff...

Well, thanks to Marc, now I'm able to get the ascii outputs, and for the
coincidences, I thought my setup has something wrong since the help didn't
have the /gate/digitizer/Coincidences section.

But it seems gate doesn't have it as a default. When I execute the sample
or benchmark, I didn't get any errors.
After executing those macros, I could have access to the

Thanks again for the helps.

2012/11/16 Marc Chamberland <MarcChamberland at cmail.carleton.ca>

> Hi!
> That's weird about the coincidences issue. Are you sure you typed the
> command correctly? It should be
> /gate/digitizer/Coincidences
> (notice the "s")
> I'm using v6.2 with the coincidences command and it's working fine.
> As for the ascii output, I answered this question somewhere on the mailing
> list, but the subject of the message was not very descriptive (so it's
> probably hard to find). Here's how to add the ascii output back:
> In the GateConfiguration.h.in file found within the home folder of Gate,
> change this line:
> #cmakedefine GATE_USE_FILE        @GATE_USE_FILE@
> to this:
> Recompile Gate and it should now work.
> As for the changes between each version, you can refer to the Release
> Notes included with each Gate distribution. However, this will not tell you
> about the bugs that people find in the current release!
> I know the Gate group has thought of ways to improve the development and
> bug reporting of Gate, so hopefully we'll see a more robust system someday.
> Marc
> __________________________
> Marc Chamberland, MSc
> PhD candidate
> Department of Physics
> Carleton University
> Ottawa (ON)
> On 2012-11-16, at 4:38 AM, 山中 琢
>  <takuyama at med.hokudai.ac.jp>
>  wrote:
> > I recently upgraded to v6.2 and found there is no
> > /gate/digitizer/Coincidence...
> > or
> > /gate/output/ascii...
> >
> > The latter was mentioned by someone but seemed not having an answer.
> > These functions are very essential in my research(well, coincidences are
> important for everyone).
> >
> > I also want to know whether there is a description about the
> modification between each versions.
> > I don't want to find those modifications by myself with the big "ERROR"
> or "COMMAND NOT FOUND" and go back to the whole code each time.
> >
> > Furthermore, maybe because it is overwritten from the older versions,
> the user's guide v6.2 has the same functions as the older ones and this
> makes us confused.
> > http://wiki.opengatecollaboration.org/index.php/Users_Guide_V6.2
> >
> > I'm very glad to have this wonderful application and want to thank you
> the members trying to upgrade.
> > But if things keep going like this, I don't think no ones going to use
> the upgraded version...
> >
> > --
> > Hokkaido University,  Graduate school of medicine, medical physics and
> engineering D1
> > Taku Yamanaka
> >
> > takuyama at med.hokudai.ac.jp
> > --
> > _______________________________________________
> > Gate-users mailing list
> > Gate-users at lists.opengatecollaboration.org
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Hokkaido University,  Graduate school of medicine, medical physics and
engineering D1
北海道大学 大学院 医学研究科 医学物理工学分野 D1
Taku Yamanaka
山中 琢

takuyama at med.hokudai.ac.jp
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