[Gate-users] fGate????

Hermann Fuchs hermann.fuchs at meduniwien.ac.at
Thu Jul 19 20:27:57 CEST 2012


The other solution would be to create a link. We use this in our cluster.

ln -s /home/slee91/research/local/gate6_1/bin/Linux-g++/Gate /home/slee91/research/local/

This should work fine without having to change source code or edit 
submit files.


On 19.07.2012 17:56, Lee, Sam (SAM LEE) wrote:
> Hey all,
> I am trying to run Gate on a Linux cluster. I currently have Gatev6.1 installed on a condor cluster.
> gjs works fine. However, whenever I tried to submit the job as below:
> condor_submit work.submit
> It complains that
> "ERROR: Executable file /home/slee91/research/local/gate_v6.1/bin/Linux-g++/fGate does not exist"
> Do I need to install another version of Gate? What is fGate executable? Is there anyway to change the executable name to Gate?
> Thanks,
> Sanghyeb(Sam) Lee
> PhD Candidate
> Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
> University of Tennessee, Knoxville
> Personal webpage: www.sergeantlee.com
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