[Gate-users] Binning of Sinogram of a cylinderical PET system from root file

bassim bassim.aklan at imp.uni-erlangen.de
Mon Apr 23 18:35:28 CEST 2012

Hallo Gate user,
I am using now the vGate version 6.1 and I have  simulated a 
cylinderical PET system. I got a root file as output after finishing my 
simulation. I want now to bin the concidence events into a Sinogram from 
the created root file in order to use it in STIR software for the PET 
image reconstruction. Has anyone already written a Code to do this job 
for such a PET system. I would be appreciate for your replay. I would be 
happy for hits and replay.

Best regards,
B. Aklan

Bassim Aklan, M.Sc.
Institute of Medical Physics - Section for MR Imaging
University of Erlangen-Nuremberg
Henkestr. 91
91052 Erlangen, Germany
phone: +49-(0)9131/85-25545
Mobile phone: +49-17665299782
bassim.aklan at imp.uni-erlangen.de
Homepage: www.imp.uni-erlangen.de/mri

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