[Gate-users] Help: No output

Simon Stute gate.stute at gmail.com
Mon Oct 31 12:06:43 CET 2011


Just to precise something about the new physics handling since the gate v6:

The physics before this version automatically included processes for
charged particles. You only were able to manage those associated to gammas.
Then in the new versions, you can manage ALL processes associated to ANY
particle (charged or not).
And by default, there is no process at all included, so you have to well
control your physics list.
Then, the gamma itself does not deposit energy in the crystal, this is the
electron coming from compton or photoelectric interactions that ionize the
crystal then.

Hope this clarifies things,

On Mon, Oct 31, 2011 at 4:20 AM, Cao Tuoyu <tuoyucao at bnl.gov> wrote:

> Hi all,
> I figured out how to produce valid output for my micro-pet simulation now.
> To gateusers who just upgrade from old version GATE, this information might
> be helpful.
> 1. the old command /run/initialize should be updated to
> /gate/run/initialize. (Even there is no error report if you run with the
> old one)
> 2. electronionization should be included in the physical process (I still
> do not understand why)
> Tuoyu
> On 2011-9-16, at 下午4:31, Cao Tuoyu wrote:
> > Hi all,
> >
> > I am using v6.1 GATE in a linux server. I can run macro withour error
> and I enabled ascii output following the User Guide. Gate can provide ascii
> output file but they are all empty, even with the example code from the
> User Guide. So what could be the reason? I appreciate so much for your
> suggestions.
> >
> >
> > Tuoyu
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