[Gate-users] Validation problems for radiation therapy

Hermann Fuchs hermann.fuchs at meduniwien.ac.at
Fri May 20 15:27:14 CEST 2011


I am unable to validate the radiotherapy expansion of my GATE v6.1
installation. It seems that Gate systematically underestimates the range
of protons by at least 2mm.

I was trying to recreate the results from the recent GATE paper
concerning the validation of a proton beam in order to validate my
installation of GATE.

"GATE V6: a major enhancement of the GATE
simulation platform enabling modelling of CT and
radiotherapy",Phys. Med. Biol. 56 (2011) 881–901

In the paper a 150 MeV proton beam directed at a 40x40x40cm water
phantom using the hadrontherapyStandardPhys.mac physics list
and additional StepLimiter of 1 mm and production
thresholds 1 mm range cut for electrons, positrons and photons were
A proton range of 158 mm was determined which agrees well with the ICRU
49 data (157.7 mm).

However, using the same setup(by modifying the radiotherapy benchmark
included with Gate) (and GATE v6.1) I measure only a proton
range which is at least 2 mm smaller, which is quite a discrepancy.

The problem occurs with gatev6.1 and geant4.9.4 on 32 bit Scientific
Linux6 as well as with gatev6.1 and geant4.9.4 patch1 on a 64 bit
Scientific Linux6.

I have attached all used scripts.
I would be grateful for any suggestion.

Hermann Fuchs
-------------- next part --------------
Hydrogen:   S= H   ; Z=  1. ; A=   1.01  g/mole  
Helium:     S= He  ; Z=  2. ; A=   4.003 g/mole
Lithium:    S= Li  ; Z=  3. ; A=   6.941 g/mole
Beryllium:  S= Be  ; Z=  4. ; A=   9.012 g/mole
Boron:      S= B   ; Z=  5. ; A=  10.811 g/mole
Carbon:     S= C   ; Z=  6. ; A=  12.01  g/mole
Nitrogen:   S= N   ; Z=  7. ; A=  14.01  g/mole
Oxygen:     S= O   ; Z=  8. ; A=  16.00  g/mole
Fluorine:   S= F   ; Z=  9. ; A=  18.998 g/mole
Neon:       S= Ne  ; Z= 10. ; A=  20.180 g/mole
Sodium:     S= Na  ; Z= 11. ; A=  22.99  g/mole
Magnesium:  S= Mg  ; Z= 12. ; A=  24.305 g/mole
Aluminium:  S= Al  ; Z= 13. ; A=  26.98  g/mole
Silicon:    S= Si  ; Z= 14. ; A=  28.09  g/mole
Phosphor:   S= P   ; Z= 15. ; A=  30.97  g/mole
Sulfur:     S= S   ; Z= 16. ; A=  32.066 g/mole
Chlorine:   S= Cl  ; Z= 17. ; A=  35.45  g/mole
Argon:	    S= Ar  ; Z= 18. ; A=  39.95  g/mole
Potassium:  S= K   ; Z= 19. ; A=  39.098 g/mole
Calcium:    S= Ca  ; Z= 20. ; A=  40.08	 g/mole
Scandium:   S= Sc  ; Z= 21. ; A=  44.956 g/mole
Titanium:   S= Ti  ; Z= 22. ; A=  47.867 g/mole
Vandium:    S= V   ; Z= 23. ; A=  50.942 g/mole
Chromium:   S= Cr  ; Z= 24. ; A=  51.996 g/mole
Manganese:  S= Mn  ; Z= 25. ; A=  54.938 g/mole
Iron:       S= Fe  ; Z= 26. ; A=  55.845 g/mole
Cobalt:     S= Co  ; Z= 27. ; A=  58.933 g/mole
Nickel:     S= Ni  ; Z= 28. ; A=  58.693 g/mole
Copper:     S= Cu  ; Z= 29. ; A=  63.39  g/mole
Zinc:       S= Zn  ; Z= 30. ; A=  65.39  g/mole
Gallium:    S= Ga  ; Z= 31. ; A=  69.723 g/mole
Germanium:  S= Ge  ; Z= 32. ; A=  72.61  g/mole
Yttrium:    S= Y   ; Z= 39. ; A=  88.91  g/mole
Cadmium:    S= Cd  ; Z= 48. ; A= 112.41  g/mole
Tellurium:  S= Te  ; Z= 52. ; A= 127.6   g/mole
Iodine:	    S= I   ; Z= 53. ; A= 126.90  g/mole
Cesium:     S= Cs  ; Z= 55. ; A= 132.905 g/mole
Gadolinium: S= Gd  ; Z= 64. ; A= 157.25  g/mole
Lutetium:   S= Lu  ; Z= 71. ; A= 174.97  g/mole
Tungsten:   S= W   ; Z= 74. ; A= 183.84  g/mole
Thallium:   S= Tl  ; Z= 81. ; A= 204.37  g/mole
Lead: 	    S= Pb  ; Z= 82. ; A= 207.20  g/mole
Bismuth:    S= Bi  ; Z= 83. ; A= 208.98  g/mole
Uranium:    S= U   ; Z= 92. ; A= 238.03  g/mole

Vacuum: d=0.000001 mg/cm3 ; n=1 
	+el: name=Hydrogen ; n=1

Aluminium: d=2.7 g/cm3 ; n=1 ; state=solid
	+el: name=auto ; n=1

Uranium: d=18.90 g/cm3 ; n=1 ; state=solid
	+el: name=auto ; n=1

Silicon: d=2.33 g/cm3 ; n=1 ; state=solid
	+el: name=auto ; n=1

Germanium: d=5.32 g/cm3 ; n=1 ; state=solid
	+el: name=auto ; n=1

Yttrium: d=4.47 g/cm3 ; n=1
	+el: name=auto ; n=1

Gadolinium: d=7.9 g/cm3 ; n=1
	+el: name=auto ; n=1

Lutetium: d=9.84 g/cm3 ; n=1
	+el: name=auto ; n=1

Tungsten: d=19.3 g/cm3 ; n=1 ; state=solid
	+el: name=auto ; n=1

Lead: d=11.4 g/cm3 ; n=1 ; state=solid
	+el: name=auto ; n=1

Bismuth: d=9.75 g/cm3 ; n=1 ; state=solid
	+el: name=auto ; n=1

NaI: d=3.67 g/cm3; n=2;  state=solid
	+el: name=Sodium ; n=1
  	+el: name=Iodine ; n=1

PWO: d=8.28 g/cm3; n=3 ; state=Solid
	+el: name=Lead; n=1
  	+el: name=Tungsten; n=1
  	+el: name=Oxygen; n=4

BGO: d=7.13 g/cm3; n= 3 ; state=solid
	+el: name=Bismuth; n=4
	+el: name=Germanium; n=3
	+el: name=Oxygen; n=12

LSO: d=7.4 g/cm3; n=3 ; state=Solid
	+el: name=Lutetium ; n=2
	+el: name=Silicon; n=1
	+el: name=Oxygen; n=5

Plexiglass: d=1.19 g/cm3; n=3; state=solid
        +el: name=Hydrogen;   f=0.080538
        +el: name=Carbon;     f=0.599848
        +el: name=Oxygen;     f=0.319614

GSO: d=6.7 g/cm3; n=3 ; state=Solid
	+el: name=Gadolinium ; n=2
	+el: name=Silicon; n=1
	+el: name=Oxygen; n=5

LuAP: d=8.34 g/cm3; n=3 ; state=Solid
	+el: name=Lutetium ; n=1
	+el: name=Aluminium; n=1
	+el: name=Oxygen; n=3

YAP: d=5.55 g/cm3; n=3 ; state=Solid
	+el: name=Yttrium ; n=1
	+el: name=Aluminium; n=1
	+el: name=Oxygen; n=3

Water: d=1.00 g/cm3; n=2 ; state=liquid
	+el: name=Hydrogen ; n=2
	+el: name=Oxygen; n=1

Quartz: d=2.2 g/cm3; n=2 ; state=Solid
	+el: name=Silicon ; n=1
	+el: name=Oxygen  ; n=2

Breast: d=1.020 g/cm3 ; n = 8
	+el: name=Oxygen;     f=0.5270
	+el: name=Carbon;     f=0.3320
	+el: name=Hydrogen ;  f=0.1060
	+el: name=Nitrogen;   f=0.0300
	+el: name=Sulfur ;    f=0.0020
	+el: name=Sodium ;    f=0.0010
	+el: name=Phosphor;   f=0.0010
	+el: name=Chlorine ;  f=0.0010

Air: d=1.205 mg/cm3 ; n=4 ; state=gas
	+el: name=Nitrogen;   f=0.755268
	+el: name=Oxygen;     f=0.231781
	+el: name=Argon;      f=0.012827
	+el: name=Carbon;     f=0.000124

Glass: d=2.5 g/cm3; n=4;  state=solid
	+el: name=Sodium ;    f=0.1020
	+el: name=Calcium;    f=0.0510
	+el: name=Silicon;    f=0.2480
	+el: name=Oxygen;     f=0.5990

Scinti-C9H10: d=1.032 g/cm3 ; n=2
      	+el: name=Carbon;    n=9
	+el: name=Hydrogen;  n=10

LuYAP-70: d=7.1 g/cm3 ; n=4
	+el: name=Lutetium ; n= 7
	+el: name=Yttrium ;  n= 3
	+el: name=Aluminium; n=10
	+el: name=Oxygen;    n=30
LuYAP-80: d=7.5 g/cm3 ; n=4
	+el: name=Lutetium ; n= 8
	+el: name=Yttrium ;  n= 2
	+el: name=Aluminium; n=10
	+el: name=Oxygen;    n=30
Plastic:  d=1.18 g/cm3 ; n=3; state=solid
        +el: name=Carbon ; n=5
        +el: name=Hydrogen ; n=8
        +el: name=Oxygen ; n=2

CZT:  d=5.68 g/cm3 ; n=3; state=solid  
        +el: name=Cadmium   ; n=9
        +el: name=Zinc      ; n=1
        +el: name=Tellurium ; n=10

Lung:  d=0.26 g/cm3 ; n=9
        +el: name=Hydrogen  ; f=0.103
	+el: name=Carbon    ; f=0.105
	+el: name=Nitrogen  ; f=0.031
	+el: name=Oxygen    ; f=0.749
	+el: name=Sodium    ; f=0.002
	+el: name=Phosphor  ; f=0.002
	+el: name=Sulfur    ; f=0.003
        +el: name=Chlorine  ; f=0.003
        +el: name=Potassium ; f=0.002

Polyethylene:  d=0.96 g/cm3 ; n=2
        +el: name=Hydrogen ; n=2
        +el: name=Carbon   ; n=1

PVC:  d=1.65 g/cm3 ; n=3 ;  state=solid
        +el: name=Hydrogen ; n=3
        +el: name=Carbon   ; n=2
        +el: name=Chlorine ; n=1

SS304:  d=7.92 g/cm3 ; n=4  ; state=solid
        +el: name=Iron      ; f=0.695
        +el: name=Chromium  ; f=0.190
        +el: name=Nickel    ; f=0.095
        +el: name=Manganese ; f=0.020

PTFE:   d= 2.18 g/cm3 ; n=2 ; state=solid
        +el: name=Carbon    ; n=1
        +el: name=Fluorine  ; n=2

LYSO:   d=5.37 g/cm3; n=4 ; state=Solid
        +el: name=Lutetium ; f=0.31101534
        +el: name=Yttrium ; f=0.368765605
        +el: name=Silicon; f=0.083209699
        +el: name=Oxygen; f=0.237009356

Body:   d=1.00 g/cm3 ; n=2
        +el: name=Hydrogen  ; f=0.112
        +el: name=Oxygen    ; f=0.888
Muscle: d=1.05 g/cm3 ; n=11
        +el: name=Hydrogen  ; f=0.102
        +el: name=Carbon    ; f=0.143
        +el: name=Nitrogen  ; f=0.034
        +el: name=Oxygen    ; f=0.71
        +el: name=Sodium    ; f=0.001
        +el: name=Phosphor  ; f=0.002
        +el: name=Sulfur    ; f=0.003
        +el: name=Chlorine  ; f=0.001
        +el: name=Potassium ; f=0.004
        +el: name=Calcium   ; f=0.0
        +el: name=Scandium  ; f=0.0
LungMoby: d=0.30 g/cm3 ; n=6
        +el: name=Hydrogen  ; f=0.099
        +el: name=Carbon    ; f=0.100
        +el: name=Nitrogen  ; f=0.028
        +el: name=Oxygen    ; f=0.740
        +el: name=Phosphor  ; f=0.001
        +el: name=Calcium   ; f=0.032
SpineBone: d=1.42 g/cm3 ; n=11
        +el: name=Hydrogen  ; f=0.063
        +el: name=Carbon    ; f=0.261
        +el: name=Nitrogen  ; f=0.039
        +el: name=Oxygen    ; f=0.436
        +el: name=Sodium    ; f=0.001
        +el: name=Magnesium ; f=0.001
        +el: name=Phosphor  ; f=0.061
        +el: name=Sulfur    ; f=0.003
        +el: name=Chlorine  ; f=0.001
        +el: name=Potassium ; f=0.001
        +el: name=Calcium   ; f=0.133
RibBone: d=1.92 g/cm3 ; n=11
        +el: name=Hydrogen  ; f=0.034
        +el: name=Carbon    ; f=0.155
        +el: name=Nitrogen  ; f=0.042
        +el: name=Oxygen    ; f=0.435
        +el: name=Sodium    ; f=0.001
        +el: name=Magnesium ; f=0.002
        +el: name=Phosphor  ; f=0.103
        +el: name=Sulfur    ; f=0.003
        +el: name=Calcium   ; f=0.225
        +el: name=Scandium  ; f=0.0
        +el: name=Titanium  ; f=0.0

Adipose: d=0.92 g/cm3 ; n=11
        +el: name=Hydrogen  ; f=0.120
        +el: name=Carbon    ; f=0.640
        +el: name=Nitrogen  ; f=0.008
        +el: name=Oxygen    ; f=0.229
        +el: name=Phosphor  ; f=0.002
        +el: name=Calcium   ; f=0.001
        +el: name=Scandium  ; f=0.0
        +el: name=Titanium  ; f=0.0
        +el: name=Vandium   , f=0.0
        +el: name=Chromium  ; f=0.0
        +el: name=Manganese ; f=0.0
Blood:  d=1.06 g/cm3 ; n=11
        +el: name=Hydrogen  ; f=0.102
        +el: name=Carbon    ; f=0.11
        +el: name=Nitrogen  ; f=0.033
        +el: name=Oxygen    ; f=0.745
        +el: name=Sodium    ; f=0.001
        +el: name=Phosphor  ; f=0.001
        +el: name=Sulfur    ; f=0.002
        +el: name=Chlorine  ; f=0.003
        +el: name=Potassium ; f=0.002
        +el: name=Iron      ; f=0.001
        +el: name=Cobalt    ; f=0.0

Heart:  d=1.05 g/cm3 ; n=11
        +el: name=Hydrogen  ; f=0.104
        +el: name=Carbon    ; f=0.139
        +el: name=Nitrogen  ; f=0.029
        +el: name=Oxygen    ; f=0.718
        +el: name=Sodium    ; f=0.001
        +el: name=Phosphor  ; f=0.002
        +el: name=Sulfur    ; f=0.002
        +el: name=Chlorine  ; f=0.002
        +el: name=Potassium ; f=0.003
        +el: name=Calcium   ; f=0.0
        +el: name=Scandium  ; f=0.0
Kidney: d=1.05 g/cm3 ; n=11
        +el: name=Hydrogen  ; f=0.103
        +el: name=Carbon    ; f=0.132
        +el: name=Nitrogen  ; f=0.03
        +el: name=Oxygen    ; f=0.724
        +el: name=Sodium    ; f=0.002
        +el: name=Phosphor  ; f=0.002
        +el: name=Sulfur    ; f=0.002
        +el: name=Chlorine  ; f=0.002
        +el: name=Potassium ; f=0.002
        +el: name=Calcium   ; f=0.001
        +el: name=Scandium  ; f=0.0
Liver:  d=1.06 g/cm3 ; n=11
        +el: name=Hydrogen  ; f=0.102
        +el: name=Carbon    ; f=0.139
        +el: name=Nitrogen  ; f=0.03
        +el: name=Oxygen    ; f=0.716
        +el: name=Sodium    ; f=0.002
        +el: name=Phosphor  ; f=0.003
        +el: name=Sulfur    ; f=0.003
        +el: name=Chlorine  ; f=0.002
        +el: name=Potassium ; f=0.003
        +el: name=Calcium   ; f=0.0
        +el: name=Scandium  ; f=0.0

Lymph:  d=1.03 g/cm3 ; n=11
        +el: name=Hydrogen  ; f=0.108
        +el: name=Carbon    ; f=0.041
        +el: name=Nitrogen  ; f=0.011
        +el: name=Oxygen    ; f=0.832
        +el: name=Sodium    ; f=0.003
        +el: name=Sulfur    ; f=0.001
        +el: name=Chlorine  ; f=0.004
        +el: name=Argon     ; f=0.0
        +el: name=Potassium ; f=0.0
        +el: name=Calcium   ; f=0.0
        +el: name=Scandium  ; f=0.0

Pancreas: d=1.04 g/cm3 ; n=11
        +el: name=Hydrogen  ; f=0.106
        +el: name=Carbon    ; f=0.169
        +el: name=Nitrogen  ; f=0.022
        +el: name=Oxygen    ; f=0.694
        +el: name=Sodium    ; f=0.002
        +el: name=Phosphor  ; f=0.002
        +el: name=Sulfur    ; f=0.001
        +el: name=Chlorine  ; f=0.002
        +el: name=Potassium ; f=0.002
        +el: name=Calcium   ; f=0.0
        +el: name=Scandium  ; f=0.0
Intestine: d=1.03 g/cm3 ; n=11
        +el: name=Hydrogen  ; f=0.106
        +el: name=Carbon    ; f=0.115
        +el: name=Nitrogen  ; f=0.022
        +el: name=Oxygen    ; f=0.751
        +el: name=Sodium    ; f=0.001
        +el: name=Phosphor  ; f=0.001
        +el: name=Sulfur    ; f=0.001
        +el: name=Chlorine  ; f=0.002
        +el: name=Potassium ; f=0.001
        +el: name=Calcium   ; f=0.0
        +el: name=Scandium  ; f=0.0
Skull:  d=1.61 g/cm3 ; n=11
        +el: name=Hydrogen  ; f=0.05
        +el: name=Carbon    ; f=0.212
        +el: name=Nitrogen  ; f=0.04
        +el: name=Oxygen    ; f=0.435
        +el: name=Sodium    ; f=0.001
        +el: name=Magnesium ; f=0.002
        +el: name=Phosphor  ; f=0.081
        +el: name=Sulfur    ; f=0.003
        +el: name=Calcium   ; f=0.176
        +el: name=Scandium  ; f=0.0
        +el: name=Titanium  ; f=0.0

Cartilage: d=1.10 g/cm3 ; n=11
        +el: name=Hydrogen  ; f=0.096
        +el: name=Carbon    ; f=0.099
        +el: name=Nitrogen  ; f=0.022
        +el: name=Oxygen    ; f=0.744
        +el: name=Sodium    ; f=0.005
        +el: name=Phosphor  ; f=0.022
        +el: name=Sulfur    ; f=0.009
        +el: name=Chlorine  ; f=0.003
        +el: name=Argon     ; f=0.0
        +el: name=Potassium ; f=0.0
        +el: name=Calcium   ; f=0.0
Brain:  d=1.04 g/cm3 ; n=11
        +el: name=Hydrogen  ; f=0.107
        +el: name=Carbon    ; f=0.145
        +el: name=Nitrogen  ; f=0.022
        +el: name=Oxygen    ; f=0.712
        +el: name=Sodium    ; f=0.002
        +el: name=Phosphor  ; f=0.004
        +el: name=Sulfur    ; f=0.002
        +el: name=Chlorine  ; f=0.003
        +el: name=Potassium ; f=0.003
        +el: name=Calcium   ; f=0.0
        +el: name=Scandium  ; f=0.0

Spleen: d=1.06 g/cm3 ; n=11
        +el: name=Hydrogen  ; f=0.103
        +el: name=Carbon    ; f=0.113
        +el: name=Nitrogen  ; f=0.032
        +el: name=Oxygen    ; f=0.741
        +el: name=Sodium    ; f=0.001
        +el: name=Phosphor  ; f=0.003
        +el: name=Sulfur    ; f=0.002
        +el: name=Chlorine  ; f=0.002
        +el: name=Potassium ; f=0.003
        +el: name=Calcium   ; f=0.0
        +el: name=Scandium  ; f=0.0

Testis: d=1.04 g/cm3 ; n=9
	+el: name=Hydrogen   ; f=0.106000
        +el: name=Carbon     ; f=0.099000
        +el: name=Nitrogen   ; f=0.020000
        +el: name=Oxygen     ; f=0.766000
        +el: name=Sodium     ; f=0.002000
        +el: name=Phosphor   ; f=0.001000
        +el: name=Sulfur     ; f=0.002000
        +el: name=Chlorine   ; f=0.002000
        +el: name=Potassium  ; f=0.002000

PMMA:   d=1.195 g/cm3; n=3 ; state=Solid
        +el: name=Hydrogen ; f=0.080541
        +el: name=Carbon ; f=0.599846
        +el: name=Sulfur; f=0.319613

myBone: d=1.85 g/cm3 ; n=8 ; state=Solid
        +el: name=Hydrogen  ; f=0.063984
        +el: name=Carbon    ; f=0.278000
        +el: name=Nitrogen  ; f=0.027000
        +el: name=Oxygen    ; f=0.410016
        +el: name=Magnesium ; f=0.002000
        +el: name=Phosphor  ; f=0.070000
        +el: name=Sulfur    ; f=0.002000
        +el: name=Calcium   ; f=0.147000
-------------- next part --------------

#    Electromagnetic  processes

/gate/physics/addProcess PhotoElectric
/gate/physics/processes/PhotoElectric/setModel StandardModel

/gate/physics/addProcess Compton
/gate/physics/processes/Compton/setModel StandardModel

/gate/physics/addProcess GammaConversion
/gate/physics/processes/GammaConversion/setModel StandardModel

/gate/physics/addProcess ElectronIonisation
/gate/physics/processes/ElectronIonisation/setModel StandardModel e-
/gate/physics/processes/ElectronIonisation/setModel StandardModel e+
/gate/physics/processes/ElectronIonisation/setStepFunction e+ 0.2 0.1 mm
/gate/physics/processes/ElectronIonisation/setStepFunction e- 0.2 0.1 mm

/gate/physics/addProcess Bremsstrahlung
/gate/physics/processes/Bremsstrahlung/setModel StandardModel e-
/gate/physics/processes/Bremsstrahlung/setModel StandardModel e+

/gate/physics/addProcess PositronAnnihilation

/gate/physics/addProcess MultipleScattering
/gate/physics/processes/MultipleScattering/setGeometricalStepLimiterType e- distanceToBoundary
/gate/physics/processes/MultipleScattering/setGeometricalStepLimiterType e+ distanceToBoundary

/gate/physics/addProcess HadronIonisation
/gate/physics/removeProcess HadronIonisation deuteron
/gate/physics/removeProcess HadronIonisation triton
/gate/physics/removeProcess HadronIonisation He3
/gate/physics/removeProcess HadronIonisation alpha
/gate/physics/removeProcess HadronIonisation GenericIon
/gate/physics/processes/HadronIonisation/setStepFunction proton 0.2 0.05 mm
/gate/physics/processes/HadronIonisation/setStepFunction pi+    0.2 0.05 mm
/gate/physics/processes/HadronIonisation/setStepFunction pi-    0.2 0.05 mm

/gate/physics/addProcess IonIonisation
/gate/physics/processes/IonIonisation/setStepFunction GenericIon 0.1 0.02 mm
/gate/physics/processes/IonIonisation/setStepFunction alpha      0.1 0.02 mm
/gate/physics/processes/IonIonisation/setStepFunction deuteron   0.1 0.02 mm
/gate/physics/processes/IonIonisation/setStepFunction triton     0.1 0.02 mm
/gate/physics/processes/IonIonisation/setStepFunction He3        0.1 0.02 mm

#    Hadronic processes 

/gate/physics/addProcess HadronElastic GenericIon
/gate/physics/processes/HadronElastic/setModel G4LElastic GenericIon

/gate/physics/addProcess UHadronElastic
/gate/physics/processes/UHadronElastic/setModel G4HadronElastic
/gate/physics/processes/UHadronElastic/setDataSet G4HadronElasticDataSet

/gate/physics/addProcess ProtonInelastic
/gate/physics/processes/ProtonInelastic/setModel G4BinaryCascade
/gate/physics/processes/ProtonInelastic/G4BinaryCascade/setEmin 170 MeV
/gate/physics/processes/ProtonInelastic/G4BinaryCascade/setEmax 500 GeV
/gate/physics/processes/ProtonInelastic/setModel PreCompound
/gate/physics/processes/ProtonInelastic/PreCompound/setEmin 0 MeV
/gate/physics/processes/ProtonInelastic/PreCompound/setEmax 170 MeV

/gate/physics/addProcess IonInelastic
/gate/physics/processes/IonInelastic/setModel G4BinaryLightIonReaction
/gate/physics/processes/IonInelastic/setModel G4LEDeuteronInelastic deuteron
/gate/physics/processes/IonInelastic/setModel G4LETritonInelastic triton
/gate/physics/processes/IonInelastic/setModel G4LEAlphaInelastic alpha
/gate/physics/processes/IonInelastic/G4BinaryLightIonReaction/setEmin 80 MeV deuteron
/gate/physics/processes/IonInelastic/G4BinaryLightIonReaction/setEmax 20 GeV deuteron
/gate/physics/processes/IonInelastic/G4BinaryLightIonReaction/setEmin 80 MeV triton
/gate/physics/processes/IonInelastic/G4BinaryLightIonReaction/setEmax 20 GeV triton
/gate/physics/processes/IonInelastic/G4BinaryLightIonReaction/setEmin 80 MeV alpha
/gate/physics/processes/IonInelastic/G4BinaryLightIonReaction/setEmax 20 GeV alpha
/gate/physics/processes/IonInelastic/G4LEDeuteronInelastic/setEmin 0 MeV deuteron
/gate/physics/processes/IonInelastic/G4LEDeuteronInelastic/setEmax 80 MeV deuteron
/gate/physics/processes/IonInelastic/G4LETritonInelastic/setEmin 0 MeV triton
/gate/physics/processes/IonInelastic/G4LETritonInelastic/setEmax 80 MeV triton
/gate/physics/processes/IonInelastic/G4LEAlphaInelastic/setEmin 0 MeV alpha
/gate/physics/processes/IonInelastic/G4LEAlphaInelastic/setEmax 80 MeV alpha
/gate/physics/processes/IonInelastic/setDataSet G4IonsShenCrossSection GenericIon
/gate/physics/processes/IonInelastic/setDataSet G4TripathiLightCrossSection deuteron
/gate/physics/processes/IonInelastic/setDataSet G4TripathiLightCrossSection triton
/gate/physics/processes/IonInelastic/setDataSet G4TripathiLightCrossSection alpha

/gate/physics/addProcess PionPlusInelastic
/gate/physics/processes/PionPlusInelastic/setModel G4LEPionPlusInelastic

/gate/physics/addProcess PionMinusInelastic
/gate/physics/processes/PionMinusInelastic/setModel G4LEPionMinusInelastic

/gate/physics/addProcess NeutronCapture
/gate/physics/processes/NeutronCapture/setModel G4LCapture
/gate/physics/addProcess Fission
/gate/physics/processes/Fission/setModel G4LFission
/gate/physics/addProcess NeutronInelastic
/gate/physics/processes/NeutronInelastic/setModel PreCompound

/gate/physics/addProcess Decay

#    Options

/gate/physics/setEMin 0.1 keV
/gate/physics/setEMax 10 GeV
/gate/physics/setDEDXBinning 220
/gate/physics/setLambdaBinning 220
-------------- next part --------------
/gate/geometry/setMaterialDatabase GateMaterials.db

# World
/gate/world/geometry/setXLength 5 m
/gate/world/geometry/setYLength 5 m
/gate/world/geometry/setZLength 5 m
/gate/world/setMaterial Air

# Global Box
/gate/world/daughters/name             mainbox1
/gate/world/daughters/insert           box
/gate/mainbox1/geometry/setXLength 40 cm
/gate/mainbox1/geometry/setYLength 40 cm
/gate/mainbox1/geometry/setZLength 40 cm
/gate/mainbox1/placement/setTranslation 0.0 0.0 20 cm
/gate/mainbox1/setMaterial Water
/gate/mainbox1/vis/setVisible 1
/gate/mainbox1/vis/setColor blue

/gate/geometry/setIonisationPotential Water 75 eV
/gate/geometry/setIonisationPotential Air 85.7 eV


/control/execute hadrontherapyStandardPhys.mac

/gate/physics/Gamma/SetCutInRegion      world 1 mm
/gate/physics/Electron/SetCutInRegion   world 1 mm
/gate/physics/Positron/SetCutInRegion   world 1 mm

/gate/physics/Gamma/SetCutInRegion      mainbox1 1 mm
/gate/physics/Electron/SetCutInRegion   mainbox1 1 mm
/gate/physics/Positron/SetCutInRegion   mainbox1 1 mm

/gate/physics/SetMaxStepSizeInRegion world 1 mm
/gate/physics/ActivateStepLimiter proton       
/gate/physics/ActivateStepLimiter deuteron     
/gate/physics/ActivateStepLimiter triton       
/gate/physics/ActivateStepLimiter alpha        
/gate/physics/ActivateStepLimiter GenericIon   



#Energydeposition along z Axes (Beam direction)
/gate/actor/addActor  DoseActor  enerDepZaxes

/gate/actor/enerDepZaxes/save output/protonWater150MeV-OneDimZ.txt
/gate/actor/enerDepZaxes/attachTo          mainbox1
/gate/actor/enerDepZaxes/stepHitType           random
#50 mu resolution in z direction
/gate/actor/enerDepZaxes/setResolution         1 1 8000 
/gate/actor/enerDepZaxes/enableEdep            true
/gate/actor/enerDepZaxes/enableUncertaintyEdep false
/gate/actor/enerDepZaxes/enableDose            false
/gate/actor/enerDepZaxes/enableUncertaintyDose false
/gate/actor/enerDepZaxes/enableNumberOfHits    false


# Enable the following lines to display available and enabled processes
# /gate/physics/processList Available
# /gate/physics/processList Enabled


/gate/source/addSource mybeam gps

/gate/source/mybeam/gps/particle proton
/gate/source/mybeam/gps/pos/type Beam
/gate/source/mybeam/gps/pos/rot1 0 1 0
/gate/source/mybeam/gps/pos/rot2 1 0 0
/gate/source/mybeam/gps/pos/shape Circle
/gate/source/mybeam/gps/pos/centre 0 0 0 mm
/gate/source/mybeam/gps/pos/sigma_x 3 mm
/gate/source/mybeam/gps/pos/sigma_y 3 mm
/gate/source/mybeam/gps/ene/mono 150 MeV
#/gate/source/mybeam/gps/ene/type Gauss
#/gate/source/mybeam/gps/ene/sigma 2.0 MeV
/gate/source/mybeam/gps/direction 0 0 1


#/control/execute visu.mac


# JamesRandom Ranlux64 MersenneTwister
/gate/random/setEngineName MersenneTwister
/gate/random/setEngineSeed 1021

# /gate/random/verbose 1
# /gate/source/verbose 0

/gate/application/setTotalNumberOfPrimaries 10000000


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