[Gate-users] Trouble installing GATE

Didier Benoit benoit at imnc.in2p3.fr
Tue Feb 15 17:08:02 CET 2011

Hi Tuan,

Could you tell me what is your $ROOTSYS, $PATH and $LD_LIBRARY_PATH? 
Maybe there is a problem in these variables.

Kind Regards,

On 02/15/2011 04:11 PM, Tuan wrote:
> Hi Didier,
> I just tried your GNUmakefile.  The problem still persists.  It looks
> like it is the exact same as my GNUmakfile.
> Thanks,
> Tuan Huynh
> On Mon, 2011-02-14 at 22:20 +0100, Didier Benoit wrote:
>> Tuan,
>> Could you just test with my GNUmakefile?
>> Kind Regards,
>> Didier
>> On Feb 14, 2011, at 9:58 PM, Tuan wrote:
>>> Hi Didier,
>>> That solved the problem with TROOT.h.  Thanks a lot.  But I still get
>>> the following message:
>>> tuan at tuan-Inspiron-560:~/GATE_ROOT/gate_v6.0_p01$ make
>>> Entering source/arf ...
>>> GNUmakefile:8: *** missing separator.  Stop.
>>> source/arf finished
>>> Entering source/geometry ...
>>> GNUmakefile:8: *** missing separator.  Stop.
>>> source/geometry finished
>>> Entering source/general ...
>>> GNUmakefile:8: *** missing separator.  Stop.
>>> source/general finished
>>> Entering source/digits_hits ...
>>> GNUmakefile:8: *** missing separator.  Stop.
>>> source/digits_hits finished
>>> Entering source/physics ...
>>> GNUmakefile:8: *** missing separator.  Stop.
>>> source/physics finished
>>> Creating shared library tmp/Linux-g++/Gate/libGate.so ...
>>> g++: *.o: No such file or directory
>>> make: *** [tmp/Linux-g++/Gate/libGate.so] Error 1
>>> tuan at tuan-Inspiron-560:~/GATE_ROOT/gate_v6.0_p01$
>>> I don't know what to do about that.
>>> Cheers,
>>> Tuan Huynh
>>> On Mon, 2011-02-14 at 21:45 +0100, Didier Benoit wrote:
>>>> Hi Tuan,
>>>> In the GateCommon.gmk file, could you add this line: CPPFLAGS += -I
>>>> $(ROOTSYS)/include, for me the problem is "TROOT.h: No such file or
>>>> directory" a path is wrong somewhere.
>>>> Kind Regards,
>>>> Didier
>>>> On Feb 14, 2011, at 3:55 PM, Tuan wrote:
>>>>> Hi Didier,
>>>>> I just tried doing that, but it still gives the exact same error.
>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>> Tuan Huynh
>>>>> On Sat, 2011-02-12 at 12:00 +0100,
>>>>> gate-users-request at lists.opengatecollaboration.org wrote:
>>>>>> Send Gate-users mailing list submissions to
>>>>>> gate-users at lists.opengatecollaboration.org
>>>>>> To subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web, visit
>>>>>> http://lists.opengatecollaboration.org/mailman/listinfo/gate-users
>>>>>> or, via email, send a message with subject or body 'help' to
>>>>>> gate-users-request at lists.opengatecollaboration.org
>>>>>> You can reach the person managing the list at
>>>>>> gate-users-owner at lists.opengatecollaboration.org
>>>>>> When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more
>>>>>> specific
>>>>>> than "Re: Contents of Gate-users digest..."
>>>>>> Today's Topics:
>>>>>>   1. Re: Trouble installing GATE (Didier Benoit)
>>>>>>   2. Re: ASCII coincidence.dat (Nicolas GUIGNARD)
>>>>>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>>> Message: 1
>>>>>> Date: Fri, 11 Feb 2011 15:49:24 +0100
>>>>>> From: Didier Benoit<benoit at imnc.in2p3.fr>
>>>>>> To: Tuan<huynht4 at mcmaster.ca>
>>>>>> Cc: gate-users at lists.opengatecollaboration.org
>>>>>> Subject: Re: [Gate-users] Trouble installing GATE
>>>>>> Message-ID:<4D554C74.1010408 at imnc.in2p3.fr>
>>>>>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=windows-1252; format=flowed
>>>>>> Hi Tuan,
>>>>>> Your GATEHOME should be: /home/tuan/GATE_ROOT/gate_v6.0_p01, I
>>>>>> think
>>>>>> In your PATH variable it's better:
>>>>>> export PATH=$PATH:$ROOTSYS/bin:$GATEHOME/bin
>>>>>> Kind Regards,
>>>>>> Didier
>>>>>> On 02/11/2011 03:41 PM, Tuan wrote:
>>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>>> I thought I already set all the environment variables in the
>>>>>>> env_gate.sh
>>>>>>> file like so:
>>>>>>> export GATEHOME=/home/tuan/GATE_ROOT
>>>>>>> export G4INSTALL=/home/tuan/GATE_ROOT/geant4.9.2.p04
>>>>>>> export G4VERSION=9.2
>>>>>>> export ROOTSYS=/home/tuan/GATE_ROOT/root
>>>>>>> $ROOTSYS/lib:/home/tuan/GATE_ROOT/
>>>>>>> export PATH=$PATH:$ROOTSYS/lib:$GATEHOME/bin/$G4SYSTEM
>>>>>>> Is that incorrect?  Is there something else I'm missing?
>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>> Tuan Huynh
>>>>>>>> Message: 5
>>>>>>>> Date: Thu, 10 Feb 2011 21:14:19 +0100
>>>>>>>> From: Alexandre Dupas<alexandre.dupas at gmail.com>
>>>>>>>> To: gate-users at lists.opengatecollaboration.org
>>>>>>>> Subject: Re: [Gate-users] Trouble installing GATE
>>>>>>>> Message-ID:
>>>>>>>> <AANLkTikWpT8beyrv0NxHwCPGcDFcya7zXTEfRN_Mb3jQ at mail.gmail.com>
>>>>>>>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
>>>>>>>> Hello,
>>>>>>>> Actually, you have to define some environment variables to
>>>>>>>> allow the
>>>>>>>> build system to retrieve the root install directory.
>>>>>>>> The main variable is ROOTSYS that you can define using
>>>>>>>> export ROOTSYS=/path/to/root/installation/directory
>>>>>>>> See for more details the "Setting environment variable"
>>>>>>>> section of the
>>>>>>>> following page :
>>>>>>>> http://minos.phy.bnl.gov/software/rug/rug26.html
>>>>>>>> I hope this help,
>>>>>>>> Best regards,
>>>>>>>> Alexandre
>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>> Alexandre Dupas
>>>>>>>> Postdoctoral Research Fellow
>>>>>>>> INSERM U698, Bich?t M?decine Nucl?aire
>>>>>>>> 2011/2/10 Tuan<huynht4 at mcmaster.ca>:
>>>>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>>>>> ? ? I. I've been trying to install GATE on a new
>>>>>>>>> system. ?I've followed
>>>>>>>>> ? ? ? ?the instructions on the Installation Guide to the
>>>>>>>>> letter but I
>>>>>>>>> ? ? ? ?keep getting this error when I use make:
>>>>>>>>> tuan at tuan-Inspiron-560:~/GATE_ROOT/gate_v6.0_p01$ source
>>>>>>>>> env_gate.sh
>>>>>>>>> The current value of G4INSTALL
>>>>>>>>> is: /home/tuan/GATE_ROOT/geant4.9.2.p04
>>>>>>>>> The current value of G4VERSION is: 9.2
>>>>>>>>> Launching Geant4 configuration
>>>>>>>>> script /home/tuan/GATE_ROOT/geant4.9.2.p04/env.sh
>>>>>>>>> On this machine the G4SYSTEM=Linux-g++
>>>>>>>>> On this machine the
>>>>>>>>> G4INSTALL=/home/tuan/GATE_ROOT/geant4.9.2.p04
>>>>>>>>> On this machine the
>>>>>>>>> G4INCLUDE=/home/tuan/GATE_ROOT/geant4.9.2.p04/include/
>>>>>>>>> On this machine the
>>>>>>>>> G4LIB=/home/tuan/GATE_ROOT/geant4.9.2.p04/lib
>>>>>>>>> On this machine the
>>>>>>>>> G4LEVELGAMMADATA=/home/tuan/GATE_ROOT/geant4.9.2.p04/data/PhotonEvaporation2.0
>>>>>>>>> On this machine the
>>>>>>>>> G4RADIOACTIVEDATA=/home/tuan/GATE_ROOT/geant4.9.2.p04/data/RadioactiveDecay3.2
>>>>>>>>> On this machine the
>>>>>>>>> G4LEDATA=/home/tuan/GATE_ROOT/geant4.9.2.p04/data/G4EMLOW6.2
>>>>>>>>> On this machine the
>>>>>>>>> G4NEUTRONHPDATA=/home/tuan/GATE_ROOT/geant4.9.2.p04/data/G4NDL3.13
>>>>>>>>> On this machine the
>>>>>>>>> G4ABLADATA=/home/tuan/GATE_ROOT/geant4.9.2.p04/data/G4ABLA3.0
>>>>>>>>> On this machine the
>>>>>>>>> CLHEP_BASE_DIR=/home/tuan/GATE_ROOT/
>>>>>>>>> On this machine the
>>>>>>>>> CLHEP_INCLUDE_DIR=/home/tuan/GATE_ROOT/
>>>>>>>>> On this machine the
>>>>>>>>> CLHEP_LIB_DIR=/home/tuan/GATE_ROOT/
>>>>>>>>> On this machine the CLHEP_LIB=CLHEP
>>>>>>>>> On this machine the G4UI_USE_TCSH=1
>>>>>>>>> On this machine the G4VIS_BUILD_OPENGLX_DRIVER=1
>>>>>>>>> On this machine the G4VIS_USE_OPENGLX=1
>>>>>>>>> On this machine the XMFLAGS=
>>>>>>>>> On this machine the XMLIBS=
>>>>>>>>> On this machine the XMFLAGS=
>>>>>>>>> On this machine the XAWFLAGS=
>>>>>>>>> On this machine the XAWLIBS=
>>>>>>>>> On this machine the G4LIB_BUILD_STATIC=1
>>>>>>>>> On this machine the G4LIB_USE_GRANULAR=1
>>>>>>>>> Configuring GATE options
>>>>>>>>> G4WORKDIR set to .
>>>>>>>>> G4TMP set to ./tmp
>>>>>>>>> G4BIN set to ./bin
>>>>>>>>> Data analysis and output features enabled
>>>>>>>>> Ascii data output enabled
>>>>>>>>> Transport and generation of optical photons is disabled
>>>>>>>>> Checking your LD_LIBRARY_PATH variable...
>>>>>>>>> ?==>   OK: /home/tuan/GATE_ROOT/root/lib is already in your
>>>>>>>>> Use of ROOT enabled
>>>>>>>>> ROOT real-time plotter disabled
>>>>>>>>> LMF data output disabled
>>>>>>>>> ECAT7 data output disabled
>>>>>>>>> GATEHOME is set to /home/tuan/GATE_ROOT
>>>>>>>>> Checking your path variable...
>>>>>>>>> ?==>   OK: /home/tuan/GATE_ROOT/bin/Linux-g++ added to your
>>>>>>>>> path variable
>>>>>>>>> Checking your LD_LIBRARY_PATH variable...
>>>>>>>>> ?==>   OK: /home/tuan/GATE_ROOT/tmp/Linux-g++/Gate added to
>>>>>>>>> your path
>>>>>>>>> variable
>>>>>>>>> G4VERSION9_2 is set: GATE is compatible with the geant4
>>>>>>>>> version 9.2
>>>>>>>>> Done
>>>>>>>>> tuan at tuan-Inspiron-560:~/GATE_ROOT/gate_v6.0_p01$ make
>>>>>>>>> Making dependency for file Gate.cc ...
>>>>>>>>> ./source/physics/include/GateSourcePhaseSpace.hh:14: fatal
>>>>>>>>> error:
>>>>>>>>> TROOT.h: No such file or directory
>>>>>>>>> compilation terminated.
>>>>>>>>> Entering source/arf ...
>>>>>>>>> GNUmakefile:8: *** missing separator. ?Stop.
>>>>>>>>> source/arf finished
>>>>>>>>> Entering source/geometry ...
>>>>>>>>> GNUmakefile:8: *** missing separator. ?Stop.
>>>>>>>>> source/geometry finished
>>>>>>>>> Entering source/general ...
>>>>>>>>> GNUmakefile:8: *** missing separator. ?Stop.
>>>>>>>>> source/general finished
>>>>>>>>> Entering source/digits_hits ...
>>>>>>>>> GNUmakefile:8: *** missing separator. ?Stop.
>>>>>>>>> source/digits_hits finished
>>>>>>>>> Entering source/physics ...
>>>>>>>>> GNUmakefile:8: *** missing separator. ?Stop.
>>>>>>>>> source/physics finished
>>>>>>>>> Creating shared library tmp/Linux-g++/Gate/libGate.so ...
>>>>>>>>> g++: *.o: No such file or directory
>>>>>>>>> make: *** [tmp/Linux-g++/Gate/libGate.so] Error 1
>>>>>>>>> tuan at tuan-Inspiron-560:~/GATE_ROOT/gate_v6.0_p01$
>>>>>>>>> It seems like Root wasn't installed properly so I've tried
>>>>>>>>> reinstalling
>>>>>>>>> it a few times (different versions as well) to no
>>>>>>>>> avail. ?What could be
>>>>>>>>> the problem?
>>>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>>>> Tuan Huynh
>>>>>>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>>>>>>> Gate-users mailing list
>>>>>>>>> Gate-users at lists.opengatecollaboration.org
>>>>>>>>> http://lists.opengatecollaboration.org/mailman/listinfo/gate-users
>>>>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>>>>> Gate-users mailing list
>>>>>>> Gate-users at lists.opengatecollaboration.org
>>>>>>> http://lists.opengatecollaboration.org/mailman/listinfo/gate-users
>>>>>> -- 
>>>>>> ----------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>>> Didier BENOIT, GATE Engineer
>>>>>> Imagerie et Mod?lisation en Neurobiologie et Canc?rologie (IMNC)
>>>>>> IMNC ? UMR 8165 CNRS ? Universit? Paris 7 ? Universit? Paris 11
>>>>>> Campus d?Orsay
>>>>>> B?timent 440
>>>>>> 91405 ORSAY Cedex
>>>>>> T?l : (33) 1 69 15 68 76
>>>>>> E-mail : benoit at imnc.in2p3.fr
>>>>>> http://www.imnc.in2p3.fr
>>>>>> ----------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>>> ------------------------------
>>>>>> Message: 2
>>>>>> Date: Fri, 11 Feb 2011 15:59:32 +0100
>>>>>> From: Nicolas GUIGNARD<nicolas.guignard8 at gmail.com>
>>>>>> To: Marcin Balcerzyk<m.balcerzyk at pluri.ucm.es>
>>>>>> Cc: gate-users at lists.opengatecollaboration.org
>>>>>> Subject: Re: [Gate-users] ASCII coincidence.dat
>>>>>> Message-ID:
>>>>>> <AANLkTin41zR6U9ag=nsphyxuRi8Y2y1VsFLaNxP4TJYE at mail.gmail.com>
>>>>>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
>>>>>> Hello Marcin
>>>>>> many many thanks for your reply and information.
>>>>>> Nicolas
>>>>>> On Wed, Feb 9, 2011 at 11:28 AM, Marcin Balcerzyk
>>>>>> <m.balcerzyk at pluri.ucm.es>wrote:
>>>>>>> Dear Nicolas.
>>>>>>> Coincidence.dat and other ascii files have column order
>>>>>>> described in Users
>>>>>>> Guide. Its order depends very much on the design of your
>>>>>>> scanner, so there
>>>>>>> is no universal naming.
>>>>>>> In my case of scanner I have for Singles.dat the following
>>>>>>> columns and
>>>>>>> first row of data
>>>>>>> *IDRun*
>>>>>>> *IDEvent*
>>>>>>> *IDSource*
>>>>>>> *AnihX*
>>>>>>> *AnihY*
>>>>>>> *AnihZ*
>>>>>>> *VolID*
>>>>>>> *VolID2*
>>>>>>> *VolID3*
>>>>>>> *VolID4*
>>>>>>> *VolID5*
>>>>>>> *VolID6*
>>>>>>> *TimeStamp*
>>>>>>> *EnergyDep*
>>>>>>> *EventX*
>>>>>>> *EventY*
>>>>>>> *EventZ*
>>>>>>> *ComptPhan*
>>>>>>> *ComptDet*
>>>>>>> *ReyPhan*
>>>>>>> *ReyDet*
>>>>>>> *ComptPhanName*
>>>>>>> *RayPhanName*
>>>>>>> 0
>>>>>>> 5
>>>>>>> 0
>>>>>>> -6.26E+00
>>>>>>> -2.27E+00
>>>>>>> 3.57E+00
>>>>>>> 0
>>>>>>> 5
>>>>>>> 0
>>>>>>> 0
>>>>>>> 0
>>>>>>> 0
>>>>>>> 1.23E-06
>>>>>>> 5.75E-01
>>>>>>> -4.19E+01
>>>>>>> -4.05E+01
>>>>>>> -1.88E+01
>>>>>>> 0
>>>>>>> 0
>>>>>>> 0
>>>>>>> 0
>>>>>>> NULL
>>>>>>> NULL
>>>>>>> For coincidence.dat it is first for 1st detector, than for 2nd
>>>>>>> (from same
>>>>>>> IDEVENT you can see it?s a true coincidence):
>>>>>>> *1IDRun*
>>>>>>> *1IDEvent*
>>>>>>> *1IDSource*
>>>>>>> *1AnihX*
>>>>>>> *1AnihY*
>>>>>>> *1AnihZ*
>>>>>>> *1TimeStamp*
>>>>>>> *1EnergyDep*
>>>>>>> *1EventX*
>>>>>>> *1EventY*
>>>>>>> *1EventZ*
>>>>>>> *1VolID1*
>>>>>>> *1VolID2*
>>>>>>> *1VolID3*
>>>>>>> *1VolID4*
>>>>>>> *1VolID5*
>>>>>>> *1VolID6*
>>>>>>> *1ComptPhan*
>>>>>>> *1ComptDet*
>>>>>>> *1ReyPhan*
>>>>>>> *1ReyDet*
>>>>>>> *1ScannAx*
>>>>>>> *1ScannAng*
>>>>>>> *2IDRun*
>>>>>>> *2IDEvent*
>>>>>>> *2IDSource*
>>>>>>> *2AnihX*
>>>>>>> *2AnihY*
>>>>>>> *2AnihZ*
>>>>>>> *2TimeStamp*
>>>>>>> *2EnergyDep*
>>>>>>> *2EventX*
>>>>>>> *2EventY*
>>>>>>> *2EventZ*
>>>>>>> *2VolID1*
>>>>>>> *2VolID2*
>>>>>>> *2VolID3*
>>>>>>> *2VolID4*
>>>>>>> *2VolID5*
>>>>>>> *2VolID6*
>>>>>>> *2ComptPhan*
>>>>>>> *2ComptDet*
>>>>>>> *2ReyPhan*
>>>>>>> *2ReyDet*
>>>>>>> *2ScannAx*
>>>>>>> *2ScannAng*
>>>>>>> 0
>>>>>>> 154
>>>>>>> 0
>>>>>>> 5.18E+00
>>>>>>> -1.93E+00
>>>>>>> -1.74E+00
>>>>>>> 4.15E-05
>>>>>>> 4.99E-01
>>>>>>> 3.29E+01
>>>>>>> -5.39E+01
>>>>>>> 6.66E+00
>>>>>>> 0
>>>>>>> 3
>>>>>>> 0
>>>>>>> 0
>>>>>>> 0
>>>>>>> 0
>>>>>>> 0
>>>>>>> 0
>>>>>>> 0
>>>>>>> 0
>>>>>>> 0.00E+00
>>>>>>> 0.00E+00
>>>>>>> 0
>>>>>>> 154
>>>>>>> 0
>>>>>>> 5.18E+00
>>>>>>> ########
>>>>>>> ########
>>>>>>> 4.15E-05
>>>>>>> 4.83E-01
>>>>>>> -2.97E+01
>>>>>>> 6.15E+01
>>>>>>> -1.29E+01
>>>>>>> 0
>>>>>>> 7
>>>>>>> 0
>>>>>>> 0
>>>>>>> 0
>>>>>>> 0
>>>>>>> 0
>>>>>>> 0
>>>>>>> 0
>>>>>>> 0
>>>>>>> 0.00E+00
>>>>>>> 0.00E+00
>>>>>>> I hope that helps. Surely format of two tables above is lost in
>>>>>>> Gate list.
>>>>>>> Marcin Balcerzyk,
>>>>>>> Unidad Ciclotron,
>>>>>>> Centro Nacional de Aceleradores,
>>>>>>> Universidad de Sevilla,
>>>>>>> Message: 3
>>>>>>> Date: Tue, 8 Feb 2011 15:18:04 +0100
>>>>>>> From: Nicolas GUIGNARD<nicolas.guignard8 at gmail.com>
>>>>>>> To: gate-users at lists.opengatecollaboration.org
>>>>>>> Subject: Re: [Gate-users] ASCII coincidence.dat analysis
>>>>>>> Message-ID:
>>>>>>>      <AANLkTimG_2=swc-UpfEyFUkcCTuxmOiCuMWPqOam0p
>>>>>>> +c at mail.gmail.com>
>>>>>>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
>>>>>>> Hello dear All
>>>>>>> I have seen lot of published  literature using GATE and its
>>>>>>> output
>>>>>>> processing in forms of sinogram.That means persons using GATE
>>>>>>> have procesed
>>>>>>> the GATE ACSII files.But I am really so much surprised why
>>>>>>> people don't
>>>>>>> answer, share or guide how to do this for a naive user.
>>>>>>> Thanks
>>>>>>> Nicolas
>>>>>> ------------------------------
>>>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>>>> Gate-users mailing list
>>>>>> Gate-users at lists.opengatecollaboration.org
>>>>>> http://lists.opengatecollaboration.org/mailman/listinfo/gate-users
>>>>>> End of Gate-users Digest, Vol 57, Issue 12
>>>>>> ******************************************
>>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>>> Gate-users mailing list
>>>>> Gate-users at lists.opengatecollaboration.org
>>>>> http://lists.opengatecollaboration.org/mailman/listinfo/gate-users
>>>> ----------------------------------------------------------------
>>>> Didier BENOIT, GATE Engineer
>>>> Imagerie et Modélisation en Neurobiologie et Cancérologie (IMNC)
>>>> IMNC – UMR 8165 CNRS – Université Paris 7 – Université Paris 11
>>>> Campus d’Orsay
>>>> Bâtiment 440
>>>> 91406 ORSAY Cedex
>>>> Tél : (33) 1 69 15 68 76
>>>> E-mail : benoit at imnc.in2p3.fr
>>>> http://www.imnc.in2p3.fr
>>>> ----------------------------------------------------------------
>> ----------------------------------------------------------------
>> Didier BENOIT, GATE Engineer
>> Imagerie et Modélisation en Neurobiologie et Cancérologie (IMNC)
>> IMNC – UMR 8165 CNRS – Université Paris 7 – Université Paris 11
>> Campus d’Orsay
>> Bâtiment 440
>> 91406 ORSAY Cedex
>> Tél : (33) 1 69 15 68 76
>> E-mail : benoit at imnc.in2p3.fr
>> http://www.imnc.in2p3.fr
>> ----------------------------------------------------------------
> _______________________________________________
> Gate-users mailing list
> Gate-users at lists.opengatecollaboration.org
> http://lists.opengatecollaboration.org/mailman/listinfo/gate-users

Didier BENOIT, GATE Engineer

Imagerie et Modélisation en Neurobiologie et Cancérologie (IMNC)
IMNC – UMR 8165 CNRS – Université Paris 7 – Université Paris 11
Campus d’Orsay
Bâtiment 440
91405 ORSAY Cedex

Tél : (33) 1 69 15 68 76
E-mail : benoit at imnc.in2p3.fr

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