[Gate-users] ASCII coincidence.dat

Nicolas GUIGNARD nicolas.guignard8 at gmail.com
Fri Feb 11 15:59:32 CET 2011

Hello Marcin
many many thanks for your reply and information.

On Wed, Feb 9, 2011 at 11:28 AM, Marcin Balcerzyk
<m.balcerzyk at pluri.ucm.es>wrote:

>  Dear Nicolas.
> Coincidence.dat and other ascii files have column order described in Users
> Guide. Its order depends very much on the design of your scanner, so there
> is no universal naming.
> In my case of scanner I have for Singles.dat the following columns and
> first row of data
> *IDRun*
> *IDEvent*
> *IDSource*
> *AnihX*
> *AnihY*
> *AnihZ*
> *VolID*
> *VolID2*
> *VolID3*
> *VolID4*
> *VolID5*
> *VolID6*
> *TimeStamp*
> *EnergyDep*
> *EventX*
> *EventY*
> *EventZ*
> *ComptPhan*
> *ComptDet*
> *ReyPhan*
> *ReyDet*
> *ComptPhanName*
> *RayPhanName*
> 0
> 5
> 0
> -6.26E+00
> -2.27E+00
> 3.57E+00
> 0
> 5
> 0
> 0
> 0
> 0
> 1.23E-06
> 5.75E-01
> -4.19E+01
> -4.05E+01
> -1.88E+01
> 0
> 0
> 0
> 0
> For coincidence.dat it is first for 1st detector, than for 2nd (from same
> IDEVENT you can see it´s a true coincidence):
> *1IDRun*
> *1IDEvent*
> *1IDSource*
> *1AnihX*
> *1AnihY*
> *1AnihZ*
> *1TimeStamp*
> *1EnergyDep*
> *1EventX*
> *1EventY*
> *1EventZ*
> *1VolID1*
> *1VolID2*
> *1VolID3*
> *1VolID4*
> *1VolID5*
> *1VolID6*
> *1ComptPhan*
> *1ComptDet*
> *1ReyPhan*
> *1ReyDet*
> *1ScannAx*
> *1ScannAng*
> *2IDRun*
> *2IDEvent*
> *2IDSource*
> *2AnihX*
> *2AnihY*
> *2AnihZ*
> *2TimeStamp*
> *2EnergyDep*
> *2EventX*
> *2EventY*
> *2EventZ*
> *2VolID1*
> *2VolID2*
> *2VolID3*
> *2VolID4*
> *2VolID5*
> *2VolID6*
> *2ComptPhan*
> *2ComptDet*
> *2ReyPhan*
> *2ReyDet*
> *2ScannAx*
> *2ScannAng*
> 0
> 154
> 0
> 5.18E+00
> -1.93E+00
> -1.74E+00
> 4.15E-05
> 4.99E-01
> 3.29E+01
> -5.39E+01
> 6.66E+00
> 0
> 3
> 0
> 0
> 0
> 0
> 0
> 0
> 0
> 0
> 0.00E+00
> 0.00E+00
> 0
> 154
> 0
> 5.18E+00
> ########
> ########
> 4.15E-05
> 4.83E-01
> -2.97E+01
> 6.15E+01
> -1.29E+01
> 0
> 7
> 0
> 0
> 0
> 0
> 0
> 0
> 0
> 0
> 0.00E+00
> 0.00E+00
> I hope that helps. Surely format of two tables above is lost in Gate list.
> Marcin Balcerzyk,
> Unidad Ciclotron,
> Centro Nacional de Aceleradores,
> Universidad de Sevilla,
> Message: 3
> Date: Tue, 8 Feb 2011 15:18:04 +0100
> From: Nicolas GUIGNARD <nicolas.guignard8 at gmail.com>
> To: gate-users at lists.opengatecollaboration.org
> Subject: Re: [Gate-users] ASCII coincidence.dat analysis
> Message-ID:
>       <AANLkTimG_2=swc-UpfEyFUkcCTuxmOiCuMWPqOam0p+c at mail.gmail.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
> Hello dear All
> I have seen lot of published  literature using GATE and its output
> processing in forms of sinogram.That means persons using GATE have procesed
> the GATE ACSII files.But I am really so much surprised why people don't
> answer, share or guide how to do this for a naive user.
> Thanks
> Nicolas

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