[Gate-users] on source definition and actors

Thibault Frisson frisson at creatis.insa-lyon.fr
Thu Feb 10 17:02:48 CET 2011


1/ You can find information about sources in the geant4 gps manual:
and a lot of examples here:

To use gps source in Gate, you have to define a source:
/gate/source/addSource MYSOURCE gps
and to add "/gate/source/MYSOURCE" before the geant4 gps macro. Example:
/gate/source/MYSOURCE/gps/particle gamma
/gate/source/MYSOURCE/gps/ene/type   User

2/ The dose is in gray. It is the real dose.

best regards,


> Hello to all users,
> I am trying to implement on GATE a simulation of a proton beam interacting
> in a real CT data. I've got a couple of questions about implementation
> issues that I can't come across on GATE user's manual and the examples
> given
> can't really answer me.
> 1- about the source. I want to implement a simple beam, with a circular
> cross section in a particular direction. What's the best way of
> implementing
> it? For example, considering the direction the beam is propagating is
> (0,1,0), with the beam centre at origin (0,0,0) and a circular cross
> section
> (radius 1) in a xz plane. Particularly, can someone provide which
> parameters
> and their explanation are needed to set a beam type of source, since that
> is
> completly skipped in users guide?
> 2- about dose actors. One of possible measurements is dose in the voxel.
> In
> what units is this dose given? And is this dose to the material of the
> voxel
> or equivalent dose to water?
> Best regards,
> Catarina Veiga
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Thibault Frisson, Phd

Centre de lutte contre le cancer Léon Bérard
Service de radiothérapie
28 rue Laënnec
69373 Lyon cedex 08
Tel : 04 78 78 51 51
      06 70 37 05 21

Laboratoire CREATIS (UMR CNRS 5220)
INSA - Bâtiment Blaise Pascal
7, avenue Jean Capelle
69621 Villeurbanne cedex


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