[Gate-users] Help needed for ECAT7

jianhua yan jianhua.yan at gmail.com
Wed Feb 9 09:59:21 CET 2011

> Hello,
> I am trying to run the PET_Ecat_System.mac, but got the following error
> [G4] Output module: 'sinogram'
> [G4]  >> Job:                                 build a set of 2D sinograms
> from a PET simulation
> [G4]  >> Is enabled ?                         Yes
> [G4]  >> Number of crystals per crystal ring: 0
> [G4]  >> Number of crystal rings:             0
> [G4]  >> Number of radial sinogram bins:      0
> [G4]  >> Filled ?                             No
> [G4]  >> Attached to system:                  systems/ecat
>     [G4-cerr] ***** COMMAND NOT FOUND </gate/output/ecat7/enable> *****
> [Gate] Sorry, error in a macro command : abort.
>  >> Input data:                          finalCoincat
> Could someone help me to figure it out?
> I am installing the GATE v6.0 successfully (I did test with benchPET.mac )
> and install the ECAT7 according to
> http://cc.in2p3.fr/docenligne/674/en#0.7
> Thanks for your kind help
> Jianhua

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