[Gate-users] Simulating XCAT/Voxelized phantoms with GATE v6.0_p01

Rajaram, Ramya (H USA) ramya.rajaram at siemens.com
Wed Aug 31 17:56:40 CEST 2011

Dear Gaters,

Has anyone tried and successfully obtained the projection images of a
XCAT phantom with a SPECT system using GATE version 6.0? If yes, could
you please share your macro and final images?

I am using GATE v6.0_p01 with GEANT4.9.2_p03. In my simulation,
everything seems to be set up alright, the simulation works and I can
get the 32 projection images but when they are played as a cine, the
rotation of the images is not right. I have already tried various
combinations for the two sets of commands that (I think) might be
affecting this rotation, namely,

/gate/SPECThead/orbiting/setPoint1 0 1 0 mm
/gate/SPECThead/orbiting/setPoint2 0 0 0 mm


/gate/xcatphantom/placement/setRotationAxis 1 0 0
/gate/xcatphantom/placement/setRotationAngle 0 deg

But still can't fix the issue. I appreciate any help.

Thank you,


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