[Gate-users] Problem with the installation of Geant4

Manuele Calussi manuele.calussi at gmail.com
Tue Aug 30 15:47:13 CEST 2011

Hi I am student of physic that I tried to install GATE; how it is written in
guide of installation I need to install Gean4.9.3, clhep, root and gcc, how
it is explained in this link
http://www.opengatecollaboration.org/GATE610release#attachments. I use
Ubuntu 10.10
I installed the gcc.4.4;
I installed CLHEP version
Then I tried to install Geant4 version 9.4.p02, using the installation guide
in this page
Until the building of the program I did not have problem; but in this step
during the building, I had much warning during the "compiling", but the
installation continued until the end. Then, following the guide, I tried to
run the program but when I use this command:


 I obtained this response:

CLHEP/include/CLHEP/Random/RandomEngine.icc:34: warning: type qualifiers
ignored on function return type

I do not understand the problem.

I tried to install another different version of CHELP,geant and gcc but I
did not solve the problem; I not change the Root version because is the 5.1,
and it works well.

I tried to be more clean possible to explain my problem, and I wait for

Thank you very much for the attention.

Manuele Calussi

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