[Gate-users] repeaters/insert ring works with box but not trpd

Anne Sauve ACSauve at lbl.gov
Fri May 7 02:06:28 CEST 2010

Hello the collaboration,

I am designing a SPECThead that is trapezoidal so I am using trpd.
my code is below:
/gate/world/daughters/name SPECThead
/gate/world/daughters/insert trpd
/gate/SPECThead/geometry/setX1Length  22.75 cm
/gate/SPECThead/geometry/setY1Length  16.25 cm
/gate/SPECThead/geometry/setX2Length 0.8 cm
/gate/SPECThead/geometry/setY2Length 0.8 cm
/gate/SPECThead/geometry/setZLength 10. cm
/gate/SPECThead/setMaterial Air
/gate/SPECThead/placement/setRotationAxis 0 1 0
/gate/SPECThead/placement/setRotationAngle -90 deg
/gate/SPECThead/placement/setTranslation  8.0 0. 0. cm
/gate/SPECThead/repeaters/insert ring
/gate/SPECThead/ring/setRepeatNumber 4

The problem is that the trapezoid is not rotated around the ring it is just translated.

If I do instead:
/gate/world/daughters/name SPECThead
/gate/world/daughters/insert box
/gate/SPECThead/geometry/setXLength  7. cm
/gate/SPECThead/geometry/setYLength 21. cm
/gate/SPECThead/geometry/setZLength 30. cm
/gate/SPECThead/placement/setTranslation  20.0 0. 0. cm
/gate/SPECThead/setMaterial Air
/gate/SPECThead/repeaters/insert ring
/gate/SPECThead/ring/setRepeatNumber 4

Then the box is rotated just fine.

Is there something that I am missing ?

Thank you very much for your help.

Anne Sauve, Ph.D
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
1 Cyclotron Road., Mail Stop 55R-0121
Berkeley, CA 94720-8119
Email:  ACSauve at lbl.gov
Phone:  510-486-7131 
Fax: 510-486-4768

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