[Gate-users] Gate v.6.0.0 COMMAND NOT FOUND

J-F CLEMENT jean-francois.clement at univ-brest.fr
Thu Mar 4 17:11:08 CET 2010

Dear all,

I've some trouble with Gate v6, according to the documentation :


Users Guide V6:Activity, source, voxellized phantoms

The third obligatory command should be given in the physics part of the 
mac file:

/gate/physics/gamma/selectFictitious volumeTrace

but during execution the error I recieve is :

[G4-cerr] ***** COMMAND NOT FOUND </gate/physics/gamma/selectFictitious 
volumeTrace> *****

Do you have any advice ?

best regards

Jean-François CLEMENT
LaTIM Inserm U650
IFR 148 ScInBioS - Science et Ingénierie en Biologie-Santé

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