[Gate-users] Bug in Regionalized Volume algorithm

Javier Ors Anía Javier.Ors at ific.uv.es
Mon Jun 28 13:07:13 CEST 2010

Hi, I've recently started to use Gate simulations for brachytherapy
applications. I've been testing the new Radiation Therapy algorithms
introduced in the last 6.0 release, and I've detected a bug that in the
best case results in an exception that aborts the simulation before it
starts, but that in some other cases, I think that can also silently
affect the whole results of the simulation by screwing up the materials
on the image, and thus giving wrong results.

To abbreviate, within the code of the last published version (6.0_p01),
the bug is located in line 524 of the file
source/geometry/src/GateVImageVolume.cc, the problem is that this line
is commented, but it shouldn't be:

//*i = cur;

should be:

*i = cur;

Otherwise the labels vector is not remapped accordingly with the
material and other vectors, resulting in the previously described use

Please someone tell the responsible of maintaining this piece of code, I
also apologise if this is not the right place to report bugs, but I find
this one important enough to publish it here so that any affected user
can know about it.

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