[Gate-users] Sinogram putput

Wenyuan Qi oeg127 at yahoo.com.cn
Thu Jul 29 01:10:43 CEST 2010


 want to get sinogram output from Ecat system and the source is just as 
the sample hof.i33. However, the output sinogram are all zeros, and it 
seems nothing was captured into sinogram. 
Run Summary
  Run Aborted after 4048 events processed.
  User=3.53s Real=129.5s Sys=6.36s
 >> entering [GateToSinogram::RecordEndOfRun]
    Number of prompt coincidences for all ring combinations        0
      Number of true coincidences for all ring combinations          0
        Number of scattered coincidences for all ring combinations     0
      Number of random coincidences for all ring
 combinations        0
    Number of delayed coincidences for all ring combinations       0
    sinograms 1,1,1,0,0 written to the raw file MySinogramFileName_1.ima
 >> leaving [GateToSinogram::RecordEndOfRun]
Does anybody know how to solve this? So appreciate. 

Best regards


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