[Gate-users] GATE 5.0 installation problems with Ubuntu 9.10

Freddie D freddie.781 at gmail.com
Sat Jan 9 01:01:00 CET 2010

Hello all,

I have been attempting to install GATE v 5.0 (after installing
Geant4.9.1.p03, LMF 3.0, ROOT, CLHEP using gcc v 4.2.4) on Ubuntu
9.10. Everything appears to run smoothly, but after attempting to compile
GATE, the attempt crashes with the message below.

In short, the GateARFDataToRoot program does not seem to be compiling
properly. I have attempted to solve this problem by adding the
./tmp/Linux-g++/Gate directory to the LD_LIBRARY_PATH variable (I have
verified that the ROOT library and CLHEP library are also included in this
path), but the problem persists. Please let me know I am doing wrong. I
believe other Ubuntu users (see October 2009 archive) have run into similar
problems, but the GATE archives do not appear to list this particular one.
Thank you for your time.


error message after compiling GATE:

Using granular libraries ...
Linking Gate ...
./tmp/Linux-g++/Gate/libGate.a(GateOutputMgr.o): In function
GateOutputMgr.cc:(.text+0xddd): undefined reference to
`GateARFDataToRoot::GateARFDataToRoot(G4String const&, GateOutputMgr*,
./tmp/Linux-g++/Gate/libGate.a(GateOutputMgr.o): In function
GateOutputMgr.cc:(.text+0x152d): undefined reference to
`GateARFDataToRoot::GateARFDataToRoot(G4String const&, GateOutputMgr*,
./tmp/Linux-g++/Gate/libGate.a(GateSteppingAction.o): In function
`GateSteppingAction::UserSteppingAction(G4Step const*)':
GateSteppingAction.cc:(.text+0x2755): undefined reference to `typeinfo for
GateSteppingAction.cc:(.text+0x3e9b): undefined reference to
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
make: *** [bin/Linux-g++/Gate] Error 1

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