[Gate-users] How to select physics process in optical transportion

Yang,Ming mingyang at mdanderson.org
Mon Jan 4 18:42:04 CET 2010

Dear All,

I'm trying to use the GATE to simulate optical transportation in scintilator CsI. I have a question about how to choose physics process.

In all two examples with Gate 5.0.0, the physics processes are:
/gate/physics/gamma/selectPhotoelectric   lowenergy
/gate/physics/gamma/selectCompton         lowenergy
/gate/physics/gamma/selectGammaConversion standard
/gate/physics/gamma/selectRayleigh        lowenergy
/gate/physics/setElectronCut              1000. km

Can I change all the selection to 'standard'? And why should the 'setElectronCut' set to be 1000. km? In that way, seeming to me, no secondary electrons will be generated. Will that reduce the uncertainties?

Another question is about Materials.xml in the directory of examples. For LSO and all other materials, the refractive index and absorption length are defined for 4.08 eV and 1.84eV as below
  <propertyvector name="RINDEX" energyunit="eV">
        <ve energy="4.08" value="1.82"/>
        <ve energy="1.84" value="1.82"/>
I don't quite understand this. How are those two energies chosen? Thank you all for any possible suggestion and explanation~
Happy New Year~

Ming Yang
Graduate Research Assistant
Radiation Physics Dept.
MD Anderson Cancer Center
Office #: B2.4510
Office Phone #: 713-745-0464

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