[Gate-users] Gate in Cluster mode

Phil Sharrock Phil.Sharrock at physics.cr.man.ac.uk
Thu Dec 16 17:40:12 CET 2010


I am running Gate with PBSpro v9.0.

I have a macro that works fine when run with gate, but when the macro is
split with gjs and the macro-name.submit from gjs is run the jobs
are submitted ok but I always get this error message:

!!! From Gate v5.0 - This command is obsolete 
!!! See the new Random mechanism in the Users Guide

*** G4Exception: Aborting execution ***
/var/spool/PBS/mom_priv/jobs/288.Cluster32-00.SC: line 56: 16432 Aborted

any body got any ideas to clear this error, as it runs fine when not

Phil Sharrock

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