[Gate-users] Corrigendum: My mistake in pprevious messaga: Problem running GATE and ROOT with regularMatrix argument

shahrokh nasseri shahrokh.nasseri at gmail.com
Mon Aug 23 08:51:50 CEST 2010

Thank you for your help very much. I have another question.

There is a perception (with me at least) that the "compressedMatrix" option
is led to displace voxels in the geometric structure of voxellized phantom.
Perhaps this does not happen to use "regularMatrix" option. However, I think
that "compressedMatrix" has performed more quickly from "regularMatrix".

As I mentioned in the previous message, in using "compressedMatrix" option,
it ‎mismatches between voxellized source and voxellized phantom in the
spatial coordinates.

Is it true that "regularMatrix" option is initialized the geometric
structure of voxellized phantom better or more precise than "compressedMatrix"

Your sincerely

On Sun, Aug 22, 2010 at 1:37 PM, Simon Stute <gate.stute at gmail.com> wrote:

> Then if you need visualization, no matter whether you use compressed or
> regular.
> When you'll finish debugging your simulation, just disable the visu and
> switch to regular.
> On Sun, Aug 22, 2010 at 7:38 PM, shahrokh nasseri <
> shahrokh.nasseri at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I must correct my mistake. After I used "regularMatrix" argument in my
>> macro file as mentioned in the following commands, I get ‎the error
>> messages mentioned in previous above. But when I used
>> "compressedMatrix" ‎argument, I do not get any error or warning
>> message.‎
>> ‎/gate/world/daughters/name jaszcak_phantom‎
>> ‎/gate/world/daughters/insert regularMatrix
>> ‎#‎
>> ‎/gate/jaszcak_phantom/geometry/insertReader interfile
>> ‎/gate/jaszcak_phantom/interfileReader/insertTranslator range‎
>> ‎/gate/jaszcak_phantom/interfileReader/rangeTranslator/readTable
>> ‎range.dat
>> ‎/gate/jaszcak_phantom/interfileReader/rangeTranslator/describe 1‎
>> ‎/gate/jaszcak_phantom/interfileReader/readFile rods.h33‎
>> ‎#‎
>> ‎# off center Y-axis is +0 cm
>> ‎/gate/jaszcak_phantom/placement/setTranslation 0 0 0 cm‎
>> ‎/gate/jaszcak_phantom/placement/setRotationAxis 0 1 0‎
>> ‎/gate/jaszcak_phantom/placement/setRotationAngle 180 deg‎
>> ‎ ‎
>> Please guide me,‎
>> Shahrokh

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