[Gate-users] Perfect detector

Franck P. Vidal franck.p.vidal at gmail.com
Fri Aug 13 20:41:05 CEST 2010

Hi there,

I am trying to simulate a simple test case, e.g. a tiny cube of iron, 
one micrometre, with a single projection using an X-ray tube.
So I use a CTscanner type of detector (using 'fast' as example) and only 
simulate one projection.
It is 100x100 micrometres.

Is there any (easy) way to simulate a perfect detector in Gate (update 
the pixel values at locations corresponding to the front surface of the 
detector, i.e. for that application we do not need to take care of the 
interaction within the detector),
and integrate the energy fluence and/or particle fluence,
and store the projections using /gate/output/imageCT/?
(I guess it does not matter with the root output)

Is it possible to store only the direct radiation, i.e. photons that do 
not interact with my test object, using /gate/output/imageCT/?
or filter the output so that only Compton is taken into account?

Best Regards,


Dr Franck P. Vidal
Postdoctoral Research Fellow

Department of Radiation Oncology
University of California, San Diego
Moores Cancer Center, Rm 1410
3855 Health Sciences Dr. #0843
La Jolla, CA 92093-0843
Tel: (858)822-7499
Fax: (858)822-6078
Homepage: http://pagesperso-orange.fr/f-p.v/

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