[Gate-users] Positron range

Abdelhamid Zakhnini zakhnini at gmx.de
Fri Aug 13 15:14:41 CEST 2010

Hello Gate users,

I would like to ask you please if there is a way to create the histogramm „Positron_annihil_distance_mm“ range of Positron and how do I enable this on TBrowser of ROOT? I'm using Gate v6.0_0.

Many thanks in advance


Dipl-Phys. Abdelhamid Zakhnini
FZD - Forschungsstelle Leipzig - Interdisziplinäre Isotopenforschung
- Institut für Radiochemie, Abt. Reaktiver Transport -
Permoserstraße 15
04318 Leipzig / Deutschland

Tel.: ++49 202-439-3523

E-Mail: zakhnini at gmx.de


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