[Gate-users] GateMaterial Error in Voxelized Phantom simulation

Fei Gao gaof at zju.edu.cn
Sat Jun 6 15:46:00 CEST 2009

Dear Gate users,


I just reinstalled GATE, benchmarks and some examples run well,

But when I simulate a system of Voxelized phantom, the macros used are from
the example folders:




I get error messages as follow:



/gate/world/daughters/name hof_brain
/gate/world/daughters/insert parameterizedBoxMatrix
   GateMaterialDatabase: did not load properties table for material
     This is only a problem when OPTICAL PHOTONS are transported in this
/gate/hof_brain/geometry/insertReader interfile
GateVGeometryVoxelReader::GateVGeometryVoxelReader: m_voxelTranslator 0
/gate/hof_brain/interfileReader/insertTranslator range
GateVGeometryVoxelReaderMessenger::SetNewValue: newValue (translatorType) :
/gate/hof_brain/interfileReader/rangeTranslator/readTable range.dat

!!! GateMDBFile::LookForElementIndbStream:   
        I could not find any section [Materials] in the material database
        You should check the database file.
        Computation aborted!!!

*** G4Exception: Aborting execution ***


However, when I checked the file GateMaterials.db, I do find "[Materials]"
in it.


Is there anybody encounter this problem? Or some suggestion? 

Any help will be highly appreciated!


Many thanks






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