[Gate-users] Empty gateCoincidences.dat in PETscanner
Natalia Utochkina
n.utochkina at fz-juelich.de
Thu Jan 15 12:30:32 CET 2009
Dear GATE users, dear Martin und Marlen,
In GATE forum from September 2008 I have found emails with the same
problem, which I have too: Empty gateCoincidences.dat in PETscanner System
Martín Belzunce wrote:
> >// Dear Gaters,
> /
//>/ I am having a problem in my simulation of an hexagonal PET scanner. I
/>/ am using the PETscanner system, that unfortunatly I haven't found many
/>/ information about it. I insert a coincidence sorter with it's Window
/>/ time. But after I run gat, the file gateCoincidences.dat is created
/>/ but empty.
/>/ I found a previous entry in this list about the same inconvinient, but
/>/ I couldn't find any possible answer.
/>/ Any help will be appreciated.
/>/ Best Regards,
/>/ Martín Belzunce/
and this one:
Hello Marlen,
I have created a hexagonal PET scanner of NaI, using the PETscanner
system. I am attaching the macro-file that I am running.
Although I am setting the flag to enable both ASCII and ROOT
Coincidence outputs, I get an empty file gateCoincidences.dat. The
file is created but it´s empty.
I processed the Singles file with Matlab, and I have plenty of
Coincidence Events.
I have checked that I am including the Coincidence Sorter in the
digitizer. Even more, I have run simulations of a similar PET scanner
using the CylindricalPET sytem and I get a full gateCoincidences.dat
file. That´s why I suspect that there is a conflict in the way I use
the Coincidence Sorter for a PETscanner system.
Thanks in advance.
Best Regards,
Martín Belzunce/
I am trying to simulate the simple case of the PETscanner to compare
this with the
experimental setup. My PETscanner consists of 2 opposing detectors.
There is the
PVC-cylinder between this detectors. I have set the flag 1 to enable
outputs for coicidences. The file gateCoincidences.dat was created, but
it was empty.
Then I have included the CoincidenceSorter (with multiplePolicy), but
anyway it didn't
work ...With CylindricalPET there are no problems to get Coincidences
simulating the
whole ring of detectors. Does anybody know how I can simulate
coincidences in
PETscanner-system? Does GATE support the coincidence output under
Many thanks for your help
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