[Gate-users] voxelised source setType

AliAsghar Parach aaparach at gmail.com
Wed Apr 22 16:42:01 CEST 2009

dear GATE users,
I have a problem about voxelised source in GATE4.0.0:
in GATE voxelise source example there is   /gate/...../settype backtoback
but it is true when the isotope is positrin emitter with tow gamma.
but how can I *setType* for SPECT or other single photon emitter in
voxelised source?
i read the manual and GATE voxelised source example and i couldn't find any
idea for this problem.
i think set of *setType*  in voxelised source definition is necessary only
for positron emitters because in analytical source there is no *setType* in
SPECT but it defined in PET.

Best regards
Ali Asghar Parach,Ph.D. student in Medical Physics,Tarbiat Modares
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