[Gate-users] Research positions in ultra-high-resolution molecular imaging at Delft University of Technology

Marlies Goorden - TNW M.C.Goorden at tudelft.nl
Wed Apr 22 10:49:32 CEST 2009

Dear all,

We are looking for talented PhD students and postdocs to work on the development of new, ultra-high-resolution molecular imaging devices. For a short description of our research, see the text below. More details can be found in the attachment.

Marlies Goorden
Prof. Freek Beekman

Research positions in ultra-high-resolution molecular imaging at Delft University of Technology

Single Photon Emission Computed Tomography (SPECT) and Positron Emission Tomography (PET) visualize distributions of radioactively labeled molecules that characterize cell populations, tissues and organs. Over the last years our group has developed a completely new line of SPECT systems for small laboratory animals with extremely high spatial resolution. Key to obtaining these ultra-high-resolutions is the application of advanced multi-pinhole collimation and model-based image reconstruction. 

Our present research is focused on the development of next generation radio-molecular imaging devices by i) developing high-resolution detectors and integrating these in novel system designs, ii) developing hybrid PET/SPECT systems with unsurpassed spatial resolution. These devices will be compatible with MRI and are expected to open up many new possibilities in pre-clinical research and clinical diagnosis.

Our research section Radiation, Detection and Medical Imaging (www.rrr.tudelft.nl/rdm) has strong expertise in most areas of research that are relevant to the development of novel SPECT and PET systems. Our team closely collaborates with several biomedical centers. 



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