[Gate-users] Same runing on GATE 4.0...

Fernando Rannou rannou at diinf.usach.cl
Tue Apr 21 02:38:04 CEST 2009

Are there any commands in Gate to control this
generator? I couldn't find any in the User's guide


Simon Stute wrote:
> Hi MJ,
> In Gate_v4 the random generator has changed. Now this is the Mersenne 
> Twister, that is more stable, longer period and faster than the old 
> one (JamesRandom).
> Unfortunately people who changed this stuff forgot to update the gjs 
> program. So the gjs program still products JamesRandom seed files, and 
> those files are ignored by the Mersenne Twister generator ... That is 
> why you always get the default seed value (fixed in CLHEP) and the 
> same results for all splited macros.
> To fix it:
> In the main program, Gate.cc file, there are few lines at the 
> beginning of the main concerning the random generator:
> //
> // random engine
> //
>   //CLHEP::HepJamesRandom randomEngine;
>   //CLHEP::Ranlux64Engine randomEngine;
>     CLHEP::MTwistEngine randomEngine;
>     CLHEP::HepRandom::setTheEngine(&randomEngine);
> So just comment the line concerning the Mersenne Twister and uncomment 
> the line concerning the JamesRandom engine, and recompile:
> //
> // random engine
> //
>   CLHEP::HepJamesRandom randomEngine;
>   //CLHEP::Ranlux64Engine randomEngine;
>   //CLHEP::MTwistEngine randomEngine;
>     CLHEP::HepRandom::setTheEngine(&randomEngine);
> So you will use the old generator but it will work with the gjs random 
> seed files...
> And don't worry, this is fixed for the next version and new macro 
> commands to control everything concerning the random generators will 
> be provided (type of generator, automatic randomized seed, fixed seed, 
> use of seed files, etc...). Coming soon.
> Cheers,
> Simon
> On Thu, Apr 9, 2009 at 8:01 AM, Park MinJae <MJ at toti.us 
> <mailto:MJ at toti.us>> wrote:
>     Dear Gaters,
>     Long time, no see~ :)
>     I recently changed 3.12 to 4.00 on x64...
>     Everything of Gate works fine...but the split jobs generated SAME
>     results...
>     I checked the seed-files...Initial Seed were same...9876...
>     I took a look into the source files of Gate and tried to put one more
>     randomization step at the initial seeds...I couldn't...
>     Thank you for any information about it...:)
>     Cordially yours,
>     MJ
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