[Gate-users] Energy cuts in v4.0

Niklas Rehfeld rehfeld at imnc.in2p3.fr
Wed Oct 8 14:15:40 CEST 2008

Dear Peter,

Apparently there are indeed problems (but I did not test it myself, so I  
cannot comment on that).

In the following special configuration you can definitely suppress low  
energy photons (but only in the phantom!):

- voxelized phantom
- fictitious tracking (see 7.3.4 in the user's guide)
- using the command "setGammaDiscardEnergy"

This tracking works however not with all processes. Since this cut is not  
implemented in Geant4, in this special case the Geant4 output might be  
misleading (i.e. not showing this cut).



On Wed, 08 Oct 2008 13:37:26 +0200, Peter Bruyndonckx <pbruynd at vub.ac.be>  

> Dear All,
> Last month Guilem mentioned a problem with setting the energy (or range)  
> cuts on X-rays in version 3.1.2.  Has this been fixed in version 4.0 ?   
> When I run version 4.0, it always seems to be set at 0 fm or 990 eV.   
> This is what I see on the output :
> Index : 3     used in the geometry : Yes     recalculation needed : No
> Material : Lead
> Range cuts        :  gamma 0 fm     e- 10 cm     e+ 1 mm
> Energy thresholds :  gamma 990 eV     e- 437.915 MeV    e+ 1.28002 MeV
> The displayed energy threshold does not change when I change the setting  
> in the .mac file.
> The cuts on the electrons and positrons seem to work.  I am not sure  
> about delta-rays.
> Anybody else has some experience with this ?
> Regards,
> Peter
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