[Gate-users] Problem running example macros

Erin McKay erin at computerhead.com.au
Wed Oct 8 13:46:19 CEST 2008

Hi all:

I have encountered a problem running some of the example macros that seems to be related to 
the use of an underscore "_" character in comment lines in the macro files.


attempting to run the "example_FULL_SIMULATION" example without modification results in an 
error message:

unexpected character after line continuation character

*** G4Exception: Aborting execution ***
Abort trap

Removing the underscores from the comment lines
"#       S E T U P  - R O O T _ F I L E" and
#       S E T U P  - A S C I I _ F I L E
in the file "YourOutput.mac" allows the macro to complete normally.

I assume that the underscore is used as a line continuation character but I'm not clear on why it 
is not ignored in comments. Note that whitespace seems to be OK following an underscore but 
any printing character triggers the abort.

Erin McKay
Lead Programmer & Tea Boy

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