[Gate-users] Interfilereader for voxelized phantom or source

Kris Thielemans kris.thielemans at csc.mrc.ac.uk
Tue May 6 21:20:06 CEST 2008

Dear Hyejoo,
> I found that in "GateGeometryVoxelIntefileReader.cc" that "slice 
> thickness (pixels)" in intefiles read as mm. I compared an interfile 
> header and dicom header of the same image and found that "slice 
> thickness (pixels)" in the interfile header is actually thickness in 
> the size of the pixels instead of mm.  Could you clarify this?

welcome to the murky world of file formats.

some programs (e.g. Analyze from the Mayo, and presumably your
dicom->interfile conversion program) interpret "slice thickness (pixels)" in
mm, others (probably correctly) in x-y pixel units (although Interfile 3.3
doesn't specify what to do if x and y pixel sizes are not the same). There
isn't much we can do about this. Luckily with Interfile you can simply edit
the header and use the value that your program desires. Unfortunate, but


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