[Gate-users] digigate

Simon Stute gate.stute at gmail.com
Fri Jan 25 00:21:11 CET 2008

Hi Ashley,

2008/1/23, Ashley Devarim <ashley_devarim at hotmail.com>:
> Dear Gate Users,
> I would like to use digigate, I followed the procedure at page 177, but It
> didn't work,
> When I used the command : Gate -d < MacroTest.mac ,  Gate Gave me the
> message : Could not open the requested output ROOT file 'digigate.root' !

Well ... it just seems that as it is said, Gate doesn't find the file named
digigate.root ! I have never used the digigate option but I think you just
have to put this file in the directory from where you launch Gate.

Good luck,

Could you help me resolve this problem please ?
> Thanks in beforehand
> Ashley
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