[Gate-users] Shifting ring against another ring (with Ring repeater) possible ?

Simon Stute gate.stute at gmail.com
Fri Jan 25 00:11:48 CET 2008

Hi Anayisse,

2008/1/23, anayisse arnaud <anayisse_arnaud at hotmail.com>:
> Hi,
> If you take look at the figure 3.8, page 35, you will see that an array of
> 3 crystal matrices has been shifted periodically.
> I would like to do the same thing but radially , I mean shifting ring
> against another ring (with Ring repeater) and fix the placement, is it
> possible ?
> I dont want to make a movement. do you understand what I mean ?
> For example : I suppose that I have a ring, I'm going to repeat it 4
> times, at the same time I want to shift the second and the 4th ring radially
> ? what to do ?

I think Patrice has finally answered your question !


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