[Gate-users] CylindricalPET inside a large lead box or cylinder ?

Simon Stute gate.stute at gmail.com
Fri Jan 25 00:05:44 CET 2008


2008/1/24, Sanae Rechka <Sanae.Rechka at usherbrooke.ca>:
> Dear Gate users,
> Is it possible to place the CylindricalPET inside a large lead box or
> cylinder
> to store the energy of photons outside the scanner (photons which escape
> from
> the scanner)?

One possibility is to define the world material to lead, an other is to
define a big lead box over your CylindricalPET, but there is no interest to
do such a thing because in lead your gammas will be stop before traversing
one mm ! so they won't escape from your box and you will not be able to see
them after. I don't really see a solution to your investigation at the
moment but if I have an idea, I will send you (but I think this is not
possible without modifying the gate source code and even the geant4 source
code !)

Good luck !

Of course, I am aware of this :
>                           Gate only stores hits for those volumes attached
> to a
> sensitive detector. A volume must belong to a system before it can be
> attached
> to a sensitive detector.  And system should be one of the systems defined
> in
> page 48 of the Gate users Guide. I'm aware of that.  And it's why I'm
> asking....
> Can any body answer my question please ?
> Thank you very much in beforehand
> Sanae
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