[Gate-users] CylindricalPET inside a large lead box or cylinder ?

Sanae Rechka Sanae.Rechka at USherbrooke.ca
Thu Jan 24 22:40:49 CET 2008

Dear Gate users,

Is it possible to place the CylindricalPET inside a large lead box or cylinder
to store the energy of photons outside the scanner (photons which escape from
the scanner)?

Of course, I am aware of this :                                                 
                          Gate only stores hits for those volumes attached to a
sensitive detector. A volume must belong to a system before it can be attached
to a sensitive detector.  And system should be one of the systems defined in
page 48 of the Gate users Guide. I'm aware of that.  And it's why I'm

Can any body answer my question please ?

Thank you very much in beforehand


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