[Gate-users] Post Doctoral fellowship in Nantes

Manuel Bardiès manu at nantes.inserm.fr
Wed Jan 23 14:32:17 CET 2008

Hi people,

Even though at the borders of the topics of interest of the list, I'd  
like to submit this proposal for a Post Doc fellowship in our lab.
This is a 2 year fellowship for a cell and small animal alpha  
dosimetry project that has been recently accepted within a EC proposal.

Please feel free to forward to whoever might be interested.
The position is available NOW (well, as soon as the administrative  
matters have been sorted out).

Best regards,


9 Quai Moncousu
44093 Nantes cedex 01

Tel: (33) 240 08 47 47
Fax: (33) 240 35 66 97
Dir: (33) 240 41 28 21
AIM: manuelbardies
iChat: manuelbardies at mac.com

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