[Gate-users] Gate training : registration open

Irène Buvat Irene.Buvat at imed.jussieu.fr
Tue Jan 15 15:36:56 CET 2008

Dear Colleagues,

The next GATE training will take place March 
10-12 2008, in Clermont-Ferrand, France. Please 
go to http://gate-training08.healthgrid.org/ for 
all information regarding that training session 
and for registration form. The number of 
attendees will be limited to about 25 (first 
come, first served) , to facilitate interaction 
between attendees and teachers during the many 
hands-on sessions. If you are interested in 
attending, don't wait !

All my best,

Irene Buvat, PhD
Equipe "Imagerie in vivo de la perfusion et des échanges moléculaires"
CHU Pitie-Salpetriere
91 Boulevard de l'Hopital
75 634 Paris Cedex 13

Tel : (33) (0)1 53 82 84 19
Fax : (33) (0)1 53 82 84 48
e-mail : buvat at imed.jussieu.fr
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