[Gate-users] Dead time model Micropet scanner

Wencke Lehnert W.Lehnert at usyd.edu.au
Thu Jan 17 01:15:09 CET 2008

Dear GATE users,


Is there someone who is using GATE to simulate micropet focus scanner
acquisitions and is using a proper and up to date dead time model for
the detection and signal processing chain? If yes, would you be willing
to share your dead time model?


Thank you!



Wencke Lehnert, MSc

Discipline of Medical Radiation Sciences


Ramaciotti Centre for Brain Imaging

Brain & Mind Research Institute

University of Sydney

100 Mallett St

Camperdown NSW 2050


Phone: +61 2 9351 0622

Fax: +61 2 9351 0852


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