[Gate-users] Many crystal's ID within a single SPECT head in a ROOT Output!

elbitar at clermont.in2p3.fr elbitar at clermont.in2p3.fr
Fri Sep 28 11:01:44 CEST 2007

Dear Gaters,
I am trying to simulate a pinhole SPECT. The pinhole SPECT i'am trying to
simulate is composed of 4 heads with 5 crystals components within each head.
Is there a possibility to have a specific crystalID to each crystal within each
Ideally, I would like to have ID for crystals within each head going from 1 to 5
since I have 5 crystals (5 crystals/head).
I 've seen that it is possible to have an ID to each crystal within a detector
head in a PET system! My question is : Is is possible to have an ID to each
crytal (5 crystals/head) if a SPECThead system is used.
My question above concerned ROOT Output.


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