[Gate-users] Optical photons transportation

郭宁 guoning0225 at gmail.com
Thu Sep 27 04:43:02 CEST 2007

Dear Gaters:

I 'm trying to carry out the function of tracking optical photons as
the Gate user Guide(3.1.1) introduced in Ch12 and I have some problems

First, I attached the following commands to my  mac file which is
origenally successful:

/gate/physics/optical/enable 1

/gate/CRYSTAL/surfaces/name surface1
/gate/CRYSTAL/surfaces/insert PMT
/gate/CRYSTAL/surfaces/surface1/setSurface smooth

/gate/digitizer/Singles/insert opticaladder

/gate/output/analysis/disable 1
/gate/output/fastanalysis/enable 1

 #( the PMT volume is already idedntified as  a  box)

I'm not sure what dose the surfacevolume refer to and whether I use
the commands correctly.

Secondly, if the  command " /gate/digitizer/Singles/insert
opticaladder" is attached there will be no record for Singles and
Coincidence output.
But if I use the command  " /gate/digitizer/Singles/insert adder" ,the
output will be normal . I eager to know what's the matter with it.

The last one is that the Material.xml contains only three kinds of
material .How about others we usually use.

Thanks for your attention and I hope you can help me .I'll be  very
grateful if you could  answer my question detailedly.
 Best wishes!


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