[Gate-users] New Gate Release !

Hannes Hofmann opengate at f00f.de
Fri Sep 21 17:15:27 CEST 2007


you should also delete the old benchmark results from the web oage [1]
and say that the current and correct results are to be found in the
install guide.

[1] http://opengatecollaboration.healthgrid.org/physics/spectbench.html


On 18/09 20:44, Sebastien JAN wrote:
> Dear Gaters,
> I'm glad to inform the Gate community that a new version, gate v3.1.2, 
> is now available
> on our official web site:
> http://opengatecollaboration.healthgrid.org/ 
> <http://opengatecollaboration.healthgrid.org/GATEregisteredUsers/download_index.php/_>
> This version is validated for Geant4 9.0 and 8.1.p02.
> You can find all informations about new features and installation
> configurations in the README and ReleaseNotes files.
> For details, fell free to download the new Users and Installation Guides 
> (version v3.1.2).
> !! IMPORTANT : new benchmark results for PET and SPECT are published in 
> the Installation Guide !!
> Enjoy !
> Sebastien JAN
> for the OpenGATE Collaboration
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