[Gate-users] New Gate Release !

Sebastien JAN sebastien.jan at cea.fr
Tue Sep 18 20:44:33 CEST 2007

Dear Gaters,

I'm glad to inform the Gate community that a new version, gate v3.1.2, 
is now available
on our official web site:

This version is validated for Geant4 9.0 and 8.1.p02.
You can find all informations about new features and installation
configurations in the README and ReleaseNotes files.

For details, fell free to download the new Users and Installation Guides 
(version v3.1.2).

!! IMPORTANT : new benchmark results for PET and SPECT are published in 
the Installation Guide !!

Enjoy !

Sebastien JAN
for the OpenGATE Collaboration

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