[Gate-users] Cluster mode of GATE

郭宁 guoning0225 at gmail.com
Tue Nov 27 03:32:33 CET 2007

Dear Gaters:
  Here I'd like to achieve the cluster mode fuction of Gate by using
the Cluster -tool . I finished the compilation of jobspiltter and
filemerger  and realized the cluster mode of Gate on some of our
PCs(installed with Fedoral 7 -i386 system) .
    But  it is unsuccessful on the others of PCs(installed with
Fedoral 7 X86-64bit system).
    During this ,I used the same .mac file and the same method on
these systems .After finished the compilation , the command " gjs "is
available . Just when the command "gjs -numberofsplits 10 macro.mac"is
used the system  prompt is like this :
" terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::out_of_range'
 what():  basic_string::substr " ,
and the cluster function is unsuccessful.
 Can anyone help me ? Thanks for your attention.


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