[Gate-users] GATE hits file, PhotonID = 0

Angela M K Foudray afoudray at stanford.edu
Wed Mar 21 22:28:19 CET 2007

Hi GATE users,

Quite a while ago Srinivas @ Buffalo mentioned something in an email to 
the list that doesn't seem to have been answered - maybe there's someone 
out there that has dug into the code a whole lot more since.  
Essentially, I would like to know what information is stuffed into 
PhotonID = 0. 

The GATE documentation says "this is not a photon" and Dirk @ FZ-Juelich 
says something about it being a "cascade".  Does anyone know what kind 
of interactions (and from what particules) are being written out to the 
PhotonID = 0 lines in the hits files?

Thanks guys!

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