[Gate-users] Error ExampleN02

Viviam da costa costa viviam.costa at yahoo.com.br
Thu Feb 22 19:42:21 CET 2007


I have a PC dualcore 3.4Ghz with the Fedora Core 6.

I chose the following packages:

 Root 5.12 binary
  Geant4.8.0. p01

 I installed the root, and the Clhep whitout problems. Actuality I made de “configure –build” Geant4.8.0.p01 whitout problems, but when I tested the “./exampleN01” and “./exampleN02”, I found some error and warning  messages as following “exampleN02: error while loading shared libraries libexampleN02.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
  Can anyone help me on this issue? I would be very appreciated.
  Viviam Costa

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