[Gate-users] GEANT4 geometries in GATE

riahi yadh yadhriahi at yahoo.fr
Thu Feb 22 15:36:20 CET 2007

 Hi D.J. van der Laan ,
   Thanks for your useful suggestions,
   this is a solution to my problem. 
  Best regards,
  -----Message d'origine-----
De : D.J. van der Laan [mailto:d.j.vanderlaan at tnw.tudelft.nl] 
Envoyé : mercredi 21 février 2007 14:55
À : riahi yadh
Objet : Re: [Gate-users] GEANT4 geometries in GATE
  I suppose your phantom consists of a G4VPhysicalVolume and
  G4LogicalVolume (perhaps with subvolumes). In that case I guess you
  should make subclasses of GateVObjectCreator and
  GateObjectCreatorMessenger and add a few lines to
  GateObjectChildListMessenger (to be able to create your phantom from a
  macro). To see how you should subclass GateVOjectCreator[Messenger], you
  can probably best have a look at, for example, GateBoxCreator[Messenger].
  I hope this helps.
  riahi yadh wrote:
  > Hi all,
  > I want to use an analytic phantom using some mathematic fonctions. so I
  > start developping a GEANT4 class describing this geometrie, I want to
  > introduce this class (this geometrie) like a phantom into Gate
  > Can some one help me with some hints ?
  > Thanks for all,
  > Yadh Riahi,
  > Institut supérieur de technologie médicale de tunis.
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  D.J. van der Laan
  Delft University of Technology
  Mekelweg 15, room 2.00.020
  2629 JB Delft
  The Netherlands
  E: d.j.vanderlaan at tudelft.nl
  T: +31 15 2783776
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