[Gate-users] Debian and OpenGL

margial at ific.uv.es margial at ific.uv.es
Fri Feb 16 12:41:49 CET 2007


I think some time ago i had this problem. Check if you installed the  
xlibmesa-gl-dev package from the debian repository, if not install it  
and recompile GEANT4. This package is needed to run OGL visualizations  
in debian.

Good luck


Quoting Ray Raylman <rraylman at hsc.wvu.edu>:

> Hi-
> We have installed GEANT4 on a Debian system.  When we perfom one of the
> initial testing sequences for GEANT4 we get the following error:
> *************************************************
> Idle> /vis/open OGLIX
> G4OpenGLViewer::G4OpenGLViewer couldn't open display.
> G4OpenGLImmediateX::CreateViewer: error flagged by
> negative view id in G4OpenGLImmediateXViewer creation.
> Destroying view and returning null pointer.
> ERROR in G4VisManager::CreateViewer during
> OpenGLImmediateX viewer creation.
>  No action taken.
> WARNING: No viewer created.
> *************************************************
> Doe anybody have a suggestion on what the problem is?
> Thanks, Ray
> Raymond R. Raylman, Ph.D.
> Professor/Vice Chair for Research
> Dept of Radiology/Box 9236
> West Virginia University
> Morgantown, WV, 26506
> Phone: 304-293-1973
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