[Gate-users] Coincidences in System "scanner" or "PETscanner"

Sebastien JAN sebastien.jan at cea.fr
Mon Aug 20 19:27:51 CEST 2007

Hi Marlen,

You can not define a coincidence sorter with the classical "scanner" system.
To do that, you can use the new derivated  "PETscanner"system which is 
not clearly described in the official users guide.
By the way, replace in your macro "/scanner/" by "/PETscanner/" in the 
attachment part.

Hope this help

> Hello Gate-Users,
> I want to simulate a system "scanner" and get the ASCII-output with 
> the coincidences. So I read, that for that I have to define 
> "PETscanner" as system (only with "scanner" I get error that the command
> /gate/digitizer/Coincidences/setWindow 125. ns
> is not found).
> In the output I set
> /gate/output/ascii/setOutFileCoincidencesFlag 1
> and I gate an gateCoincidences.dat, but this file is always empty.
> Also in my root-output the Coincidences-Tree exist, but is empty.
> So I found in the Users-Talk archive that I have to add
> /gate/digitizer/insert coincidenceSorter
> but with this it also doesn't work.
> Still I get only empty files.
> Can anybody help me? Does anybody know, how to do and how to solve 
> this problem?
> Thanks in advance.
> Marlen
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