[Gate-users] 3-D image reconstruction using STIR from GATE Results

Claude Comtat claude.comtat at cea.fr
Wed Apr 11 14:19:54 CEST 2007

Hi Guifen,

I just run your macro. First, your point source is not at the center

  /gate/source/F18LineSource/gps/centre 10.0 0.0 0.0 cm

Anyhow, the resulting sinogram (MySinogramFile.S) just looks fine.
I do not see any particular problem. Maybe your problem is related to
the way you display the sinogram.

All the best,


Guifen Lin wrote:

> Hi
> simulate a point source (x=0,y=0) in the file PET_Ecat.mac.I
> reconstructe the image in two mwthod:
> 1.Method one
> <1>.
> cd /usr/local/gate/gate_v3.0.0/examples/my_example/PET
> source /usr/local/gate/gate_v3.0.0/env_gate.csh
> /usr/local/gate/g4work/bin/Linux-g++/Gate my_PET_Ecat.mac
> ......
> <2>.
> [root at localhost ~]# cd /usr/local/gate/STIR/my_test
> [root at localhost my_test]# /usr/local/gate/STIR/bin/ifheaders_for_ecat7
> MySinogramFile.S
> Attempt all data-sets (Y) or single data-set (N) [Y/N D:Y]:
> Data number ? [0,8 D:0]:
> WARNING: ECAT7 IO: Bin size from header.x_resolution (2.2471) does not
> agree with expected value 2.25
> for scanner ECAT 962. Using bin size from header...
> <3>.
> [root at localhost my_test]# /usr/local/gate/STIR/bin/display_projdata
> MySinogramFile_S_f1g1d0b0.hs
> The sinograms are shown in attachment.
> I'm looking forward to your help.
> Thank you in advance!
> guifen
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
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>#  *********************************************************************
>#  * DISCLAIMER                                                        *
>#  *                                                                   *
>#  * Neither the authors of this software system, nor their employing  *
>#  * institutes, nor the agencies providing financial support for this *
>#  * work make any representation or warranty, express or implied,     *
>#  * regarding this software system or assume any liability for its    *
>#  * use.                                                              *
>#  *                                                                   *
>#  * This code implementation is the intellectual property of the      *
>#  * OpenGATE collaboration.                                           *
>#  * By copying, distributing or modifying the Program (or any work    *
>#  * based on the Program) you indicate your acceptance of this        *
>#  * statement, and all its terms.                                     *
>#  *********************************************************************
>#  This macro has been prepared by:  
>#     Sebastien JAN
>#                                                                 #
># P E T   S C A N N E R   G E O M E T R Y   W I T H   E C A T     #
># S Y S T E M   D E F I N I T I O N   A N D   E C A T 7           #
>#                    F O R M A T   O U T P U T                    #
>#                                                                 #
>#            Y O U   N E E D   T O   I N S T A L L                #
>#              T H E   E C A T 7   L I B R A R Y                  #
>#                                                                 #
>#                                                             #
>#                                                             #
># D E F I N E   Y O U R   P E T   S C A N N E R   A N D       #
>#                                                             #
># Y O U R   C O M P L E T E   G A T E   S I M U L A T I O N   #
>#                                                             #
>#                                                             #
>#                                                                 #
># R U N   T H E   V I S U A L I S A T I O N   A N D               #
># C O N S T R U C T   Y O U R   E X P E R I M E N T A L   A R E A #
>#                                                                 #
>#	V I S U A L I S A T I O N
>/vis/open OGLSX
>/vis/drawView 45 45
>/vis/viewer/zoom 4
>/vis/viewer/set/style surface
>/tracking/storeTrajectory 1
>/vis/scene/endOfEventAction accumulate
># OR disable the visu
>#     W O R L D
>/gate/world/geometry/setXLength 400. cm
>/gate/world/geometry/setYLength 400. cm
>/gate/world/geometry/setZLength 400. cm
>#                                                                 #
>#     D E F I N I T I O N   A N D   D E S C R I T I O N           #
>#        O F   Y O U R   P E T   D E V I C E                      #
>#                                                                 #
>#     E C A T
>/gate/world/daughters/name ecat
>/gate/world/daughters/insert cylinder
>/gate/ecat/setMaterial Air
>/gate/ecat/geometry/setRmax 50.0 cm
>/gate/ecat/geometry/setRmin 41.0 cm
>/gate/ecat/geometry/setHeight 15.5 cm
>#     B L O C K
>/gate/ecat/daughters/name block
>/gate/ecat/daughters/insert box
>/gate/block/placement/setTranslation 413.5 0.0 0.0 mm
>/gate/block/geometry/setXLength 30.0 mm
>/gate/block/geometry/setYLength 35.8594 mm
>/gate/block/geometry/setZLength 38.7 mm
>/gate/block/setMaterial Air
>#	C R Y S T A L
>/gate/block/daughters/name crystal
>/gate/block/daughters/insert box
>/gate/crystal/geometry/setXLength 30.0 mm
>/gate/crystal/geometry/setYLength 4.0 mm
>/gate/crystal/geometry/setZLength 4.1 mm
>/gate/crystal/setMaterial BGO
>/gate/crystal/vis/setColor yellow
>#	R E P E A T    C R Y S T A L
>/gate/crystal/repeaters/insert cubicArray
>/gate/crystal/cubicArray/setRepeatNumberX 1
>/gate/crystal/cubicArray/setRepeatNumberY 8
>/gate/crystal/cubicArray/setRepeatNumberZ 8
>/gate/crystal/cubicArray/setRepeatVector 0. 4.4942 4.85 mm
>#	R E P E A T    BLOCK
>/gate/block/repeaters/insert linear
>/gate/block/linear/setRepeatNumber 4
>/gate/block/linear/setRepeatVector 0. 0. 38.8 mm
>/gate/block/repeaters/insert ring
>/gate/block/ring/setRepeatNumber 72
>#      LEAD   S H I E L D 
>/gate/world/daughters/name   carter
>/gate/world/daughters/insert cylinder
>/gate/carter/setMaterial Air
>/gate/carter/geometry/setRmax   44.  cm
>/gate/carter/geometry/setRmin   28.  cm
>/gate/carter/geometry/setHeight 3. cm
>/gate/carter/placement/setTranslation 0.0 0.0 7.8 cm
>/gate/carter/vis/setColor grey
>/gate/world/daughters/name   carter
>/gate/world/daughters/insert cylinder
>/gate/carter/setMaterial Air
>/gate/carter/geometry/setRmax   44.  cm
>/gate/carter/geometry/setRmin   28.  cm
>/gate/carter/geometry/setHeight 3. cm
>/gate/carter/placement/setTranslation 0.0 0.0 -7.8 cm
>/gate/carter/vis/setColor grey
>#     A T T A C H    S Y S T E M 
>/gate/systems/ecat/block/attach block
>/gate/systems/ecat/crystal/attach crystal
>#	A T T A C H    C R Y S T A L  SD
>#                                                                 #
>#     D E F I N I T I O N   A N D   D E S C R I T I O N           #
>#             O F   Y O U R   P H A N T O M                       #
>#                                                                 #
>#	P H A N T O M
>/gate/world/daughters/name phantom1
>/gate/world/daughters/insert cylinder
>/gate/phantom1/placement/setTranslation 10.0 0.0 0.0 cm
>/gate/phantom1/setMaterial SS304
>/gate/phantom1/vis/setColor green
>/gate/phantom1/geometry/setRmax   1.5 mm
>/gate/phantom1/geometry/setHeight 25.0 cm
>/gate/phantom1/daughters/name phantom2
>/gate/phantom1/daughters/insert cylinder
>/gate/phantom2/placement/setTranslation 0.0 0.0 0.0 cm
>/gate/phantom2/geometry/setRmax   1.0 mm
>/gate/phantom2/geometry/setHeight 1.0 mm
>/gate/phantom2/setMaterial Water
>/gate/phantom2/vis/setColor blue
>#                                                                 #
>#            S E C O N D   P A R T   O F   Y O U R                #
>#                P E T   S I M U L A T I O N                      #
>#                                                                 #
>#                                                                 #
>#     D E F I N I T I O N   A N D   D E S C R I T I O N           #
>#             O F   Y O U R   P H Y S I C S                       #
>#                                                                 #
>#       EM  P R O C E S S
>/gate/physics/gamma/selectRayleigh lowenergy
>/gate/physics/gamma/selectPhotoelectric standard
>/gate/physics/gamma/selectCompton standard
>#	I N A C T I V E    S E C O N D A R Y   E L E C T R O N S 
>/gate/physics/setElectronCut 1. m
>#	I N A C T I V E    X - R A Y S
>/gate/physics/setXRayCut 1. GeV
>/gate/physics/setDeltaRayCut 1. GeV
>#                                                                 #
>#     I N I T I A L I Z A T I O N   O F   Y O U R                 #
>#                 S I M U L A T I O N                             #
>#                                                                 #
>#                                                                 #
>#  D E F I N I T I O N   O F   Y O U R   A C Q U I S I T I O N    #
>#  D I G I T I Z E R   &   C O I N C I D E N C E   S H O R T E R  #
>#                                                                 #
>#	A D D E R
>/gate/digitizer/Singles/insert adder
>#       R E A D O U T 
>/gate/digitizer/Singles/insert readout
>/gate/digitizer/Singles/readout/setDepth 1
>#      E N E R G Y   B L U R R I N G
>/gate/digitizer/Singles/insert blurring
>/gate/digitizer/Singles/blurring/setResolution 0.26
>/gate/digitizer/Singles/blurring/setEnergyOfReference 511. keV
>#       E N E R G Y   C U T
>/gate/digitizer/Singles/insert thresholder
>/gate/digitizer/Singles/thresholder/setThreshold 350. keV
>/gate/digitizer/Singles/insert upholder
>/gate/digitizer/Singles/upholder/setUphold 650. keV
>#       D E A D    T I M E 
>/gate/digitizer/Singles/insert deadtime
>/gate/digitizer/Singles/deadtime/setDeadTime 3000000. ps
>/gate/digitizer/Singles/deadtime/setMode paralysable
>/gate/digitizer/Singles/deadtime/chooseDTVolume block
>#	C O I N C I    S O R T E R 
>/gate/digitizer/Coincidences/setWindow 12. ns
>/gate/digitizer/Coincidences/setOffset 0. ns
>/gate/digitizer/name delay
>/gate/digitizer/insert coincidenceSorter
>/gate/digitizer/delay/setWindow 10. ns
>/gate/digitizer/delay/setOffset 500. ns
>/gate/digitizer/name finalCoinc
>/gate/digitizer/insert coincidenceChain
>/gate/digitizer/finalCoinc/addInputName delay
>/gate/digitizer/finalCoinc/addInputName Coincidences
>/gate/digitizer/finalCoinc/usePriority true
>#                                                                 #
>#                   D E F I N I T I O N   O F                     #
>#                Y O U R   O U T P U T   F I L E                  #
>#                                                                 #
>#       C H A N G E    T H E     S E E D (1)  O R   N O T (0)
>/gate/output/root/setSaveRndmFlag 1
>#       S E T U P  - R O O T _ F I L E
>/gate/output/root/setFileName Your_PET_Simu
>/gate/output/root/setRootSinglesAdderFlag 0
>/gate/output/root/setRootSinglesReadoutFlag 0
>/gate/output/root/setRootHitFlag 0
>/gate/output/root/setRootSinglesFlag 0
>/gate/output/root/setRootNtupleFlag 0
>/gate/output/root/setRootCoincidencesFlag 1
>#       S E T U P  - A S C I I _ F I L E
>/gate/output/ascii/setOutFileSinglesAdderFlag 0
>/gate/output/ascii/setOutFileSinglesReadoutFlag 0
>/gate/output/ascii/setOutFileSinglesThresholderFlag 0
>/gate/output/ascii/setOutFileSinglesUpholderFlag 0
>/gate/output/ascii/setOutFileSinglesFlag 0
>/gate/output/ascii/setOutFileHitsFlag 0
>/gate/output/ascii/setOutFileCoincidencesFlag 0
>#                E C A T 7   O U T P U T
>#  W I T H   N E W   F U N C T I O N A L I T I E S
>#  *-*-* according to the coincidence sorter *-*-*
>#             01  J U N E  2 0 0 6
>/gate/output/sinogram/setTangCrystalBlurring 1.8 mm
>/gate/output/sinogram/setAxialCrystalBlurring 1.8 mm
>/gate/output/sinogram/verbose 2
>/gate/output/sinogram/RawOutputEnable false
>/gate/output/sinogram/setFileName MySinogramFile
>/gate/output/sinogram/setInputDataName finalCoinc
>/gate/output/ecat7/verbose 2
>/gate/output/ecat7/setFileName MySinogramFile
>/gate/output/ecat7/mashing 1 
>/gate/output/ecat7/span 3
>/gate/output/ecat7/maxringdiff 22
>/gate/output/ecat7/system 962
>/gate/output/ecat7/IsotopeCode F-18
>/gate/output/ecat7/IsotopeHalflife 6586.2 second
>/gate/output/ecat7/IsotopeBranchingFraction 1.0
>#                                                                 #
>#                   D E F I N I T I O N   O F                     #
>#            Y O U R   V E R B O S I T Y   L E V E L              #
>#                                                                 #
>/control/verbose 0
>/grdm/verbose 0
>/run/verbose 0
>/event/verbose 0
>/tracking/verbose 0
>/gate/application/verbose 0
>/gate/generator/verbose 0
>/gate/stacking/verbose 0
>/gate/event/verbose 0
>/gate/source/verbose 0
>#                                                                 #
>#                   D E F I N I T I O N   O F                     #
>#                    Y O U R   S O U R C E S                      #
>#                                                                 #
>/gate/source/addSource F18LineSource
>/gate/source/F18LineSource/setActivity 50000. becquerel
>/gate/source/F18LineSource/gps/particle e+
>/gate/source/F18LineSource/setForcedUnstableFlag true
>/gate/source/F18LineSource/setForcedHalfLife 6586.2 s
>/gate/source/F18LineSource/gps/energytype Fluor18
>/gate/source/F18LineSource/gps/type Volume
>/gate/source/F18LineSource/gps/shape Cylinder
>/gate/source/F18LineSource/gps/radius 1.0 mm
>/gate/source/F18LineSource/gps/halfz 1.0 mm
>/gate/source/F18LineSource/gps/angtype iso
>/gate/source/F18LineSource/gps/centre 10.0 0.0 0.0 cm
>/gate/source/F18LineSource/gps/confine NULL
>#                                                                 #
>#               S T A R T   A C Q U I S I T I O N                 #
>#                 T I M E   P A R A M E T E R S                   #
>#                                                                 #
>/gate/application/setTimeSlice     20.  s
>/gate/application/setTimeStart     0.   s
>/gate/application/setTimeStop      20.  s
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