[Gate-users] 3-D image reconstruction using STIR from GATE Results

Guifen Lin guifen_lin at yahoo.com.cn
Fri Apr 6 05:03:53 CEST 2007

  simulate a point source (x=0,y=0) in the file PET_Ecat.mac.I reconstructe the image in two mwthod:
  1.Method one
cd /usr/local/gate/gate_v3.0.0/examples/my_example/PET
source /usr/local/gate/gate_v3.0.0/env_gate.csh
/usr/local/gate/g4work/bin/Linux-g++/Gate PET_Ecat.mac
[root at localhost ~]# cd /usr/local/gate/STIR/my_test
[root at localhost my_test]# /usr/local/gate/STIR/bin/ifheaders_for_ecat7 MySinogramFile.S
  Attempt all data-sets (Y) or single data-set (N) [Y/N D:Y]:
  Data number ? [0,8 D:0]:
  WARNING: ECAT7 IO: Bin size from header.x_resolution (2.2471) does not agree with expected value 2.25
for scanner ECAT 962. Using bin size from header...
[root at localhost my_test]# /usr/local/gate/STIR/bin/display_projdata MySinogramFile_S_f1g1d0b0.hs
  The sinogram shows a clear discontinuity in the line and the reconstructing image shows  horseshoe shape . A friend said that this horseshoe shape is usually a result of an offset of 1 pixel along the x-axis in the sinogram.this 
means I need to shift my sinogram by n pixels in the +x or -x 
direction.How I can shift my sinogram by n pixels in the +x 
or -x direction.Do I modify STIR's program?
  I'm looking forward to your help.
  Thank you in advance!


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