[gate-users] geant4.7.0p01 "configure" problem

D.J. van der Laan d.j.vanderlaan at tnw.tudelft.nl
Wed May 10 09:23:54 CEST 2006

This is probably caused by the fact that the conputer date of your 
system is older than the files in the geant4 directory. You could update 
your system time, or you could change the date of all the files in your 
geant4 directory, by executing

find ./ -type f | xargs /usr/bin/touch

from geant4 directory and then restarting ./Configure -build.

I hope this helps.



liu james wrote:
> Hello,
> The version of Gate list below:
> Gate v2.2.0
> Geant4.7.0p01
> ROOT v4.04.02g
> with Fedora Core 3
> When I configure -build the package of geant4, there is a infinite loop.
> The error like this:
> Now starting Geant4 libraries build...
> On this machine the G4SYSTEM=Linux-g++
> On this machine the G4INSTALL=/usr/local/geant4.7.0.p01
> On this machine the G4TMP=/usr/local/geant4.7.0.p01/tmp
> On this machine the G4LIB=/usr/local/geant4.7.0.p01/lib
> On this machine the
> G4LEVELGAMMADATA=/usr/local/geant4.7.0.p01/data/PhotonEvaporation
> On this machine the
> G4RADIOACTIVEDATA=/usr/local/geant4.7.0.p01/data/RadiativeDecay
> On this machine the G4LEDATA=/usr/local/geant4.7.0.p01/data/G4EMLOW2.3
> On this machine the
> NeutronHPCrossSections=/usr/local/geant4.7.0.p01/data/G4NDL3.7
> On this machine the G4ELASTICDATA=/usr/local/geant4.7.0.p01/data/Elastic
> On this machine the CLHEP_BASE_DIR=/usr/local
> On this machine the CLHEP_INCLUDE_DIR=/usr/local/include
> On this machine the CLHEP_LIB_DIR=/usr/local/lib
> On this machine the CLHEP_LIB=CLHEP
> On this machine the G4UI_BUILD_XAW_SESSION=1
> On this machine the G4UI_USE_XAW=1
> On this machine the G4UI_BUILD_XM_SESSION=1
> On this machine the G4UI_USE_XM=1
> On this machine the G4VIS_BUILD_OPENGLX_DRIVER=1
> On this machine the G4VIS_BUILD_OPENGLXM_DRIVER=1
> On this machine the G4VIS_USE_OPENGLX=1
> On this machine the G4VIS_USE_OPENGLXM=1
> On this machine the G4LIB_BUILD_STATIC=1
> On this machine the G4LIB_USE_GRANULAR=1
> gmake: Warning: File `/usr/local/geant4.7.0.p01/config/common.gmk' has
> modification time 1.3e+08 s in the future
> gmake: warning:  Clock skew detected.  Your build may be incomplete.
> Starting build...
> gmake: Warning: File `/usr/local/geant4.7.0.p01/config/sys/Linux-g++.gmk'
> has modification time 1.3e+08 s in the future
> gmake[1]: Warning: File 
> `/usr/local/geant4.7.0.p01/config/sys/Linux-g++.gmk'
> has modification time 1.3e+08 s in the future
> gmake[2]: Warning: File `/usr/local/geant4.7.0.p01/config/common.gmk' has
> modification time 1.3e+08 s in the future
> Making dependency for file src/G4VStateDependent.cc ...
> Making dependency for file src/G4VExceptionHandler.cc ...
> Making dependency for file src/G4UnitsTable.cc ...
> Making dependency for file src/G4Timer.cc ...
> Making dependency for file src/G4StateManager.cc ...
> Making dependency for file src/G4PhysicsVector.cc ...
> Making dependency for file src/G4PhysicsTable.cc ...
> Making dependency for file src/G4PhysicsOrderedFreeVector.cc ...
> Making dependency for file src/G4PhysicsLogVector.cc ...
> Making dependency for file src/G4PhysicsLnVector.cc ...
> Making dependency for file src/G4PhysicsLinearVector.cc ...
> Making dependency for file src/G4PhysicsFreeVector.cc ...
> Making dependency for file src/G4OrderedTable.cc ...
> Making dependency for file src/G4LPhysicsFreeVector.cc ...
> Making dependency for file src/G4ios.cc ...
> Making dependency for file src/G4Exception.cc ...
> Making dependency for file src/G4DataVector.cc ...
> Making dependency for file src/G4AllocatorPool.cc ...
> gmake[2]: Warning: File `/usr/local/geant4.7.0.p01/config/common.gmk' has
> modification time 1.3e+08 s in the future
> ...
> The same content displayed on the screen repeatly.
> I list my commands here and please help me to check the steps:
> 1. install CLHEP in /usr/local
>    ./configure --prefix=/usr/local
>     make
> 2. install geant4.7.0p01in /usr/local/geant4.7.0p01
>   ./Configure -build
> the error appears here!
> thanks for your help
> james
> -- 
> Chih-Chieh Liu
> jjliu6 at gmail.com
> Nation Tsing Hua University, Taiwan
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